Recently I watched a short movie called Agent Orange – Vietnam about the Vietnam War and something that destroyed many peoples lives. Even now, three generations later, birth defects, and other diseases are much more common. The leading cause of all of these terrible new deformities is something that Monsanto, Dow Chemicals, Uniroyal, Hercules, Diamond Shamrock, Thomson Chemical and TH Agriculture all made their own version of something called Agent Orange. Agent orange was composed of a few toxic herbicides, but Monsanto said that Agent Orange was safe for humans. Monsanto also said DDT and PCBs were safe, and now they are saying genetically modified foods are safe. Do you believe them?
Epic Gavin Hill Hike
Jeff and I have now climbed Gavin Hill three times, the first in November, the second in January, and the third today, April 20th. Today’s scenery made it one of the most beautiful hikes ever for me. Biking over to Jeff’s house I stopped and took a few photos of the Sitka fire department at work. Unfortunately, their patient looks terminal. I took lots of photos on Gavin. The sun was so bright that I couldn’t see what I was shooting. Even so, the photos turned out pretty good. I took the final photo from the Sea Mart parking lot, “the most beautiful parking lot in the world,” says my mom.