
brett (at)

40 Replies to “Contact”

  1. Hey there David, what an amazing spirit you are! I just heard about your efforts to run across the country- I myself am training for the Cross trail marathon coming up this summer here in Sitka. I also saw that you are dedicating your run to the anti-GMO movement. I was wondering if you heard about the FDA’s decision to support genetically engineered Atlantic salmon–what are your views on this? Please let me know. I look forward to following your stories as you get closer to the big departure date!

  2. Hey David and Brett,

    Just wanted to express how awesome of a thing you guys are doing. I’ve been promoting your journey on a Facebook page of mine, so hopefully that helps with a bit of your publicity. Anyways, just wanted to share a response of mine to people who claim David “isn’t ready” at this age:

    “I am 16, and began helping with GASAN when I was 15. I am also an avid runner, and have run ultramarathons of up to 50 miles. I can personally attest by examining David’s personal attributes and training that he has the maturity to handle this. He is by no means forced to continue on if he no longer wishes to, and just because it is a big challenge does not mean it is insurmountable. I admire his passion and determination.
    Sam Jaffe”

    Best of luck in your journey.


    1. Thanks for the good word and vote of confidence, Sam!
      David is now the region champ cross country runner (at the age of 14) and he says he thinks he’s the fastest freshman in Alaska. He’s excited for the transcon run because it will make him that much faster. BTW, I would greatly appreciate a shout out to your readers. The Kindle version of my book, We’re Monsanto, Feeding the World, Lie After Lie will be free Oct 8-12. I would love to “sell” a ton of books this week. We’re Monsanto is a great book to learn more about Monsanto’s lies and to help other people who just don’t get it. It’s available on Amazon at
      Thanks again,

  3. It was nice to see you run by our place on your cross country trek. I hope the trains did not bother you too much during your overnight stay here in Essex. We fully support your message and efforts to raise awareness against the GMO agenda! Thank you and wishing you fair weather!

    1. Thank you, J.R.!
      Very nice meeting you as well! We quite enjoyed the trains and commented to each other that you probably don’t even really hear the trains anymore. Thanks for your support!

  4. 9 Feb 14
    Dear Wilcox Family, Congratulations on your progess – inspiring, since David is a pie lover – you might consider changing your route to go Pie Town in New Mexico, a bit out of the way – but two awesome pie shops. Keep on keeping on. Aloha, Jeff B

  5. Hi David and Brett, I’m and avid runner and recently become interested in the whole GMO debate and I’m in the process of educating myself. I live and work in Kansas and I’m a father of 3 kids and first learned about your journey on the Rich Roll Podcast. It would be great if when passing through Wichita I could join you for a run and good discussion…Best of luck and i appreciate your passion for this cause.

  6. Dear Wilcox family. Enjoyed the Bruma Shave signs, and we passed thru that very place half dozen or so years ago. Keep on keeping on. Sitka report: 30 degrees, very sunny, still snow and some ice around, but still Sitka. Enjoy. Cheers, Jeff Budd

    1. Hi Jeff,
      Thanks for the update. I hear tell that Flagstaff is the third most snowy city in the USA, but you wouldn’t know it by today’s bright blue skies and pleasantly warm temps. You’re welcome to join us anytime you’d like. We’d definitely put you to work! Take care of yourself.

  7. Rebecca Cook just told me about your website! She says you guys may be coming through Kansas City soon. Any chance you would stop and teach a workshop???
    My 9 year old started reading through your 14 Reasons to Boycott Kellogg’s and has decided he isn’t going to eat Kellogg’s anything anymore. Thanks for all you are doing to get the news out!

    1. Good job to your son, Becky! We won’t make it to Kansas City but we’re giving a presentation in Greensburg, KS, on Tuesday, and a presentation in Wichita on April 22. Let me know if you want to attend and I’ll send you more information. Thanks for your support!

  8. It was great having you and your family as our guests for Easter. I wish we had had more time together but I think there will be another time. Best wishes to you and David as you run across this great nation. I support your dedication and for the reason you are making this run. From now forward I will be following you and your family on your journey. When the next time comes that we meet again I will smoke a turkey for the occasion. Be safe, know that you are being protected by Heavenly Father, and your journey will produce results.

  9. Hello Brett, David and Family,

    Greetings from a fellow Transconner! I ran coast to coast in ’98 following the American Discovery Trail from Delaware to California. My run was 4,800 miles mostly on trails but I wasn’t 15 at the time either. Great job you two and super kudos to your support crew family. Sounds like a supreme family achievement. Keep making the miles and having a wonderful experience. Just this morning I also learned of a 90 year old man also running cross country. He’s headed east as well but currently in Arizona. I love that in the same day, we can hear about one of the youngest and one of the oldest doing something that most would think is impossible!

    Brian Stark

    1. Brian, Next time??? I’d like to run the Discovery Trail. I’ve had more than enough of the roads. Yes, the 90 year old man is truly an inspiration! And yes, we wanted to make this a family experience. Intense! Thanks for commenting!

  10. fyi Brett
    Hi Dr Sefanyetso and Merck Colleges alike

    The safety of Vaccine science remains controversial if one reads the Jama report and its conclusions below

    The latest interview by the ‘fraud’ Dr Wakefield has also lifted many an eyebrow, now asking that his side be heard as Court battles are on the horizon and his college and Co author and scientist on the 1998 Lancet Article on MMR/vs Autism, Dr Smith already reinstated. Why must an innocent whistle blower (Dr Wakefield) take all the brunt for making an observation that made Pharmacetical Co’s feel uneasy ?

    I am also still awaiting your scientific report that proves that the benefits of Gardasil outweighs the risks, as requested before

    Could there be a link between the suspected Biotech bubble burst and vaccine safety concerns ?
    Why are Biotechs speeding up research at an unprecedented pace for FDA approval ? Is it because their shareholders are demanding higher dividends and safety concerns are thrown out the window ? See latest Jama article indicating 58% research papers submitted to the FDA are fraudulent

    Kind rgds

    Andre du Plessis


    Andre du Plessis
    Cape Town South Africa

  11. Brett
    Just discovered your web site. Great work you are doing. Just read this from ABC news dated 2 Feb 2017. Thought you might be interested. “Children already vaccinated against mumps are still getting the disease, say health officials, who are trying to understand the out break that has affected five times the usual number of cases in the US in the past year. most cases were restricted to the state of Washington, where there have been 367 confirmed cases, mostly among vaccinated children. But a sudden increase is also being seen nationwide, with 5,300 cases reported in 2016 compared with only about 1,000 cases the previous year “

  12. Thank you Brett. I’ve so wanted this manifesto. I’ve not been brave enough to write something myself but mostly I’ve been a little paralysed by my disappointment. (And there is no way I have your knowledge!)
    My Naturopathic husband and I raised 4 kids into their 30’s. No vaccines, no antibiotics ever. All had classic childhood diseases together. It was actually fun times watching movies playing games in our pjs all day. Now naturally immunised for life (unlike the vaccines) from measles, chicken pox, whooping cough, one of the boys had mumps too. It is no coincidence that our children never had the flu while other families seemed to be frequenting the doctors office and constantly drug dependant.
    Anyway, my PB blessing (which I received at 15 years old) specifically states that I should study the WOW out in my mind and use it as I will use it later in my life. Well through divine intervention I married a naturopath and have lived an amazing life. Where in over 35 years he has seen near 70,000 patients in a busy clinic. He has travelled round the world, seeing patients in hospitals or home given up for dead and given life where medical has given up or not had the answers. Created fertility where there was only menopause, halted miscarriage, getting rancid or toxic organs back to good condition, counciling with the gospel framework, but to name a few. Hidden treasures of knowledge have made themselves known through teaching and studying the Word of Wisdom. I could have bought people into the church a hundred times over through the Word of Wisdom. Because patients have been blown away by the knowledge, the results, the connection with God and nature. But, it’s hard to rationalise the disappointments of the inconsistencies with the lack of understanding real healthcare and medical dependence in the church.
    Utah is such a medically dependant state compared with others. So I get the pressure. Professiomal natural health care practitioners are still very limited there in what they can do or in education. It would seem that to study natural or naturopathic medicine within a science degree is unsupported in the LDS universities. Still viewed with a medieval framework- I’m not defending all practises. Or the bullying of bigeted doctors including with the LDS community. However used with the framework of the gospel miracles happen. As promised. LDS have no idea how amazing this knowledge is and how it can give us back our life’s and faith. This is our flag of truth or shield not solely the vaccines. Our missionary unvaccinated son had to have shots to go on a mission. We were told if he didn’t it would affect his call. Well, he of course got the shots (but as a consenting adult) you know I’m going to the same country with no shots. Now that irks me but the bullying does more.
    I just want to thank you for your efforts and the words you have given to those who need your courage and faith.

    1. You’re very welcome, Gayna. Thank you for your comments. I just got the comment box fixed on the Manifesto page. Feel free to comment there if you would like.

  13. Hi David and Brett, thank you for all you do. It’s refreshing to see the American spirit is alive and well in you both! Please don’t ever stop speaking up for those that need it the most. I am part of a Facebook community, that focuses on surviving the disease known as Morgellons. Mainstream Medical doctors & the CDC deem us delusional, some LYME LITERATE doctors do treat us as best they can. My friend Candy Nelson of Florida believes GMO foods contribute greatly to our condition, along with other environmental toxins. I believe she is right. After all, if “You are what you eat” and what you are eating is genetically modified… What does that do to your genes and DNA? I hope you are both still active advocates. Thank you for standing up for TRUTH!

    1. Lori,
      David’s running in college and–speaking of environmental toxins–Skyhorse Publishing will soon publish my book JABBED: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment and Government Stick It to You and Your Family. Thanks for connecting. Be well!

  14. Thank you so much, Brett, for all the work that you’ve done to educate people on the truth about vaccinations! I’ve heard many positive reviews on your book, ‘Jabbed’ and plan to grab a copy.

    Thank you for a very well-articulated letter, and for the time you took to gather your thoughts and put this letter together. It’s exactly what needs to be done, and we each need to get involved and hold our churches and Christian Schools accountable to the people they purport to serve. The people are being railroaded into forced vaccinations, and it must be stopped….NOW…..TODAY!!

    I’m especially grateful to you, for allowing us to modify and use your letter has a template, to hold our churches and religious leaders accountable.

    Thank you, immensely, for your service to humanity! May God annually bless you!

  15. I’m so inspired by “Jabbed,” that I’d like to hand out copies for folks to read and pick them later or they can then buy the book from me. Is there any way you could wholesale a dozen copies before I attempt any additional larger wholesale purchases?

  16. Hi Brett, I just discovered you today! I’m here in CA where we are fighting SB 276. I was also an activist in 2012 to label GMOs. I have been a little conflicted lately about something, and you just solidified it for me: I agree that the only way to deal with both issues is with the full truth, not with watered-down, strategic defensive moves.

    It’s a real dilemma though, how to break through the brainwashing that most of us grew up with. We have heard the lies over and over, and we know that lies take hold through sheer repetition. It’s time to proactively go on the offensive and start repeating the truth over and over and also to tell people they’ve been brainwashed.

    Unfortunately the internet works best for communicating with likeminded folks. I’ve been thinking the last two weeks that we need to get out and talk to real people in person. I’m so impressed that you and your son did that (and I’ve always wanted to walk across country, so I was a little envious as well!) Thank you for your work, your courage, your integrity, your strong voice, and your blog.

  17. The Wheatsheaf Group, run by the Duke of Westminster (“literally owns London”) plans to feed the serfs and commoners of the planet with treated sewage and soldier fly maggots. More Pilgrims Society tyranny. He’s also half owner of the Wells Fargo Tower in Los Angeles, among hundreds of other skyscrapers. Free access—

    Monsanto has had its share of reps in The Pilgrims Society.

  18. Hi Brett. This is a letter I wrote to the 1st Presidency, and to POTUS, of course to no avail. But hang in there. Hopefully the 1st Presidency will eventually give us help with these matters of great importance. In the mean time, it is a great time to show others our faith in God.

    brother tim from southern calif.
    And to anyone who wants to burn me at the stake for the letters I wrote to the Church or POTUS, just read Bretts words about that in his letter to the 1st Presidency. (I cannot control what people think, say, do , or feel. I can only control what I think, say , do, or feel. Period )
    tim 🙂

    Hello Dear President Trump. 4/2020

    Other than the whole virus, medical institution / big pharma money making machine and virus / vaccine issue, we, my friends and family are 100% behind you and support you .

    But we do have a major problem with them trying to make vaccines mandated world wide. If you go to many sites such as Doctor John Reizer’s, , and others like it and research the truth about vaccines and the toxic, harmful adjuvants in them like:

    Aborted Human Fetus Tissue and Human Albumin, Formaldehyde, Mercury, Antifreeze (ethylene glycol),
    Aluminium, 2¬Phenoxyethanol, Phenol, Borax (sodium tetraborate decahydrate), Methanol, Glutaraldehyde, MSG (Monosodium Glutamate), Sulfate and Phosphate Compounds
    Sulfate and Phosphate Compounds, Neomycin Sulfate, Tri(n)butylphosphate, Polymyxin B, Polysorbate 20 /80 ,
    Emulsifier, Sorbitol Sweetener, Polyribosylribitol, Beta¬ Propiolactone, Amphotericin B, Animal Organ Tissue and Animal Blood, Large Foreign Proteins, Latex(in the hepatitis B vaccine), Animal Viruses, Human Viruses, Mycoplasma,
    Genetically Modified Yeast(in the Hepatitis B Vaccine)
    Foreign DNA ,

    … none of which belongs in the human body and is the cause of many diseases, and you would never think for one second, once you see the light and learn the truth about these toxic substances in vaccines, to inject yourself or your loved ones with these horrible substances that do not belong in the human body.

    We want to know sir, how you , with a good conscious, can be an advocate for these syringes filled with poisonous, toxic, heavy metals and chemicals and so on that you know will cause irreparable damage to billions of humans world wide ?

    How can you be an advocate for such harmful tools that evil men have created, that destroy the human body ? How can you partly be responsible for the continuation of the medical industrial complex and big pharma slowly killing trillions of humans world wide even as we speak with their toxic “medicines” and chemo therapy and radiation?

    It’s a scientific fact that CHEMO and RADIATION CAUSES CANCER !!! And they use it to CURE cancer ??? That’s like treating an alcoholic with vodka !!! Their way of “practicing” medicine is INSAIN !!! and ludicrous !!!

    According to Dr. John Reizer and 1000’s of other Doctors, all “disease” on earth, was caused by the distribution of vaccines or flu shots. The aids epidemic has been scientifically proven to be started by flu shots containing the AIDS virus which was distributed to a number of poor communities around the world, and wow, guess what, a new disease comes out of nowhere, and they end up blaming a monkey.

    And we are suppose to buy that ? They really think we are that ignorant ? Sure some are still brain washed by the main stream media, and the big pharma / medical industrial complex propaganda about vaccines but the truth is that, that whole corrupt system of making trillions of dollars off of sick people has got to be abolished and holistic practices incorporated into the nation and the world. You have the power to do that Mr. President.

    We don’t need their poisonous toxic medicines and vaccines and flu shots to be healthy. We need to put the nutrition into our bodies and get the toxins out of our bodies, only put organic products in or on your body and so on to be healthy.

    And we believe, that if they try to force their poisonous vaccines on the world by making it mandatory or mandated, the people will not put up with being forced to be injected with big pharma poisons, so the people will revolt against big pharma or anyone who tries to take away their God given right to choose for themselves to be injected by their poisons , OR NOT !!! Period !!!

    Mr. President. You can’t take away the peoples right to choose whether to have a medical procedure, OR NOT !!! (getting a vaccine is a medical procedure and the law says no one can be forced into a medical procedure without their written permission and signature) We believe there will be a revolution like never in history if you allow them to make vaccines mandated nation wide or world wide. The people will not stand for it, of this we know of a surety.

    Mr. President, If you support the force of these poisonous injections upon the human race by allowing them to mandate vaccines for the whole human race, then we will know that you have been bought and paid for by the crooked medical / big pharma establishment that is only there to make money from sick people and we are so sorry, but we would no longer be able to support you. God does not interfere with our free will. And yet man assumes to do so, every day !!! That has to stop Mr. President.

    The medical industrial complex does not want a cure, they have no intention of ever curing any disease. and will they will never cure any of their diseases In fact they are doing just the opposite and are hard at work creating more and more diseases everyday.

    We just saw the creation of another one of their diseases, Covid-19 and they are very excited to get that vaccine out. But we bet you a million bucks, if you send those vaccines to an independent lab, the lab will find cancer cells, the AIDS virus, and who knows what , or maybe they will put a new disease in the covid vaccine that they just made, and we are back to square one, and they have another new disease to make billions from.

    They have made many people sick with their archaic “medicine” and the sick ones they “treat” and “practice on,” they make even sicker with their treatment protocols.

    So many have put money before people, even to the slow demise of human beings on earth. we often wonder how do “they,” with good conscious, look into the mirror in the morning ? We know if we knew our actions were to harm another human being , we would stop immediately. But that’s just us.

    So we will not vote for you again because we will know that “they” got to you, and your putting money before people. A recipe for failure . And we will no longer be able to support you if you allow them to make their poisonous vaccines adjuvants mandated nation wide or world wide.

    We hope you do the right thing and protect our God given rights to choose for ourselves whether we want to be injected by their “medicines” OR NOT !!!

    And Mr. President. One more thing. We are also on to them about this so called global warming. We know it’s a hoax. We know the weather programs they use to predict future weather has been manipulated to make it look like it’s going to get super hot in the future. It’s all FAKE NEWS AND WE KNOW IT !!!

    And we know the main stream media are liars, and do not speak the truth, but spread the big pharma / medical corps lies over and over, day after day, so the people will finally believe the lie. The computer models they use (except for the Russian model, theirs is the only one that is correct, and it shows NO GLOBAL WARMING trend, just normal routine weather for the next millennium ) are “tweaked” for a predicted outcome they desire, and then the fake news channels “program” the people and if you tell them a lie long enough, they eventually will believe it, right? Isn’t that what propaganda is for ? To brain wash the public, which main stream media, Hollywood, and the medical industrial complex has been doing for decades. That’s why millions of humans believe all their lies about vaccines, and global warming and all their other constant stream of endless lies. It’s got to stop Mr. President . They need to realize that many of us are on to them, and we’re not as ignorant as they think we are.

    So PLEASE MR. PRESIDENT,,,TELL THEM TO STOP SPRAYING THOSE POISONS, HEAVY METALS, RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS AND SO ON , INTO MY AIR !!!!! under the guise and lie of global warming. Tell the people the truth !! Wouldn’t that be refreshing ?

    Mr. President, why do you continue to let them kill us with these extremely harmful substances they are spraying in the atmosphere that every human being on earth is breathing right now, everyday of our lives ??? And has been for decades ?

    We are all breathing the same air. They are killing us with these toxic poisonous heavy metals, radioactive particals, nano-particalized aluminum, etc, etc, while those same substances are killing those who are trying to kill all of the human race on earth. They are using the air, food, water, frankenstine GMO products, vaccines, toxic substances in 95 % of products in every grocery store, toxins in the clothing, cleaning products, bath care, well , really they put toxic substances in just about everything you can think of.

    Kind of makes you wonder why they are putting toxic chemicals and so on in everything, right ? Don’t you wonder why Mr. President ? Why are they trying to kill us with everything known to man ? Why do they put those horrible adjuvants in their so called “medicines” ? Why do they put the toxic stuff in our air ? Why do they make the frankenstein GMO stuff CHEAPER than the REAL FOOD the way God made it ? Why do they put toxic substances in virtually everything sold in a store or sold to the public ? We know why . Do you, Mr. President ?
    (Here’s a hint, Georgia Guide Stones, the “elites” plans to depopulate the world, and so on)

    In closing we would just like to thank you Mr. President for fighting for our Constitutional right to bear arms and so on. We believe you really do care about this nation and all Americans, and we hope you care enough to stop the insanity around the world, and to stop the evil ones who are trying to kill 95% of the human race.

    And we want you to know that we, my friends and family care and pray for you and yours, and we hope that our Heavenly Father will guide you to CHOOSE THE RIGHT hand of God, and do only that which is right in His sight. Cause in the end, we will all stand before the Father, and account for all our thoughts, words, and actions performed by us throughout our lives.

    Please stop the money hungry monsters who what to force their “medicines / vaccines” on us. And please stop the destruction our atmosphere. And perhaps, while your at it, could you also null and void all of obummers executive orders, stop the illegal wars started without congressional approval, put the clintons and all the others in prison where they belong or are they all above the law ? If they are not punished for their crimes like any other citizen would be, then the people will know that you believe that the governments are “above the law” and can literally get away with murder.

    And how about destroying the GMO productions which are slowly killing the human race and replace with REAL FOOD the way God made it, not the way frankenstein GMO producers make it.

    Mr. President. You are the only one on this earth that has the power to stop the corrupt medical industry complex, the corrupt CDC, WHO, Bill Gates, etc, etc, etc. We hope you will remove these crooks from office and replace with good God fearing people who cannot be bought and paid for by “the powers to be.”

    Thank you Mr. President for you time and energy on our behalf. You truly are the President for the people (I hope 🙂

    tim ….

    Dear First Presidency,

    Thank you for the email.  While your at it, perhaps you could also address these issues:

    1- The toxic harmful adjuvants in vaccines, flu shots, pharmaceutical “medicines” that they are trying to make mandated for all humans on earth ?  

    What are we suppose to do when they come to our door to try to inject us with these poisons ?  Are we allowed to defend ourselves from the tyrants that want to poison us with their so called “medicine” ???  And why doesn’t the Church warn it’s members against these toxic vaccines and flu shots and so on that harm, paralyze, and even kill millions of our brothers and sisters every year ?  Why doesn’t the Church address this issue ?

    2- The “geo engineering” of the atmosphere with barium, nano-particalized aluminum, strontium, lead, and so on being sprayed into our atmosphere everyday, for years now ?  

    We are being forced to breath these toxic poisons, chemicals, and heavy metals every day.   Why doesn’t the Church address this issue ? 

    3- The frankenstein GMO “food” that is toxic for the human body and also cause sterility ?  

     Why doesn’t the Church address this issue and warn its members against this toxic, harmful substance that causes so many health problems, sterility,  and deaths ?

    4- The millions and billions of innocent lives being murdered (aborted)  before they are even born ?   

    Why doesn’t the Church stop the murder of so many innocent lives ?  I know one word from the Church and the people of earth would stand as one against the innocent being murdered.  Isn’t that what the Church is all about, stopping evil ?  Why doesn’t the Church do anything to stop this atrocity being inflicted on so many ? 

    5- The toxic, corrosive  fluoride they continue to put in our water ?   

    Why doesn’t the Church tell the water corporations to stop putting this corrosive substance in our water  ?

    6- The military industrial complex experimenting on the earth and everything on it ?  
    Why doesn’t the Church stand up against this corrupt, destructive entity ?  

    7- The plastic that is killing this earth and everything on it including us ?   

    Why doesn’t the Church address the members about this issue ?

    8-The suppression of technologies such as  anti-gravity technology, and Tesla’s discovery of “…a mighty ocean of infinite energy,” and so on by the governments and energy corporations for money ?  

     Why doesn’t the Church address this issue so we can have free energy with Tesla’s technology all around the world instead of being strong armed by energy corporations into having to give them money every month for something that should be free, energy ? 

    9- The wireless technology from phones, smart-meters, and so on that have been classified by The W.H.O. as a Class 2B carcinogen that is now world wide and they are pushing the military grade 5G wi-fi which will basically turn the earth into one big microwave to cook the earth and everything on it ? 

      Why doesn’t the Church warn the members against this harmful technology and stop the energy corporations from turning the earth into one big microwave oven that will cook us to death ? 

    10- The illegal collection of data from every human being on this earth by government agencies and the removal of everyones God given and constitutional right to privacy ?   

    Why doesn’t the Church stop these corrupt governmental agencies ?  

    11- Their attempts to take away our God given right, and constitutional right to defend ourselves, our families, and our property ?   

    What do we do if they are finally successful in taking away our right to bare arms and defend what is ours ?    Are we allowed to defend ourselves against a tyrannical, and corrupt government even to the point of death ?  Why doesn’t the Church address this issue so we know what to do when they come pounding on our doors to try to take away our guns and our means to defend ourselves  ?

    12- Why doesn’t the Church shine the light on the secret societies and have them put them in prison, or on death row for their crimes against humanity ? 
     We know who they are and what families consist of these vial creatures.  Why not arrest them and take them to court to face the people for their crimes ?  It’s time to remove the .00001 % from this earth. That tiny group of insane, satanic tyrants which cause all the wars, poverty, murders, deaths, and all other problems of the world.  Why not just get rid of them and give the 90% of the worlds wealth that they hold to the people ?  Everyone on earth would instantly be a millionaire and there would be no more war, poverty, or hungry homeless brothers and sisters on earth.  Why doesn’t the Church address this issue and remove these vial creatures from the earth ?

    13- The suppression of natural cures for cancer, diabetes, heart disease and so on by the medical corporations because sick people make money. 
    Isn’t it about time to revised The Word of Wisdom to include the natural cures for so called diseases in the world ?  The Chinese have had a cure for cancer for thousands of years.  Why don’t our brothers and sisters of the world know this ?  One word from the Church is all it would take to save millions and even billions of lives who are needlessly dying everyday because they don’t know the truth, THERE IS A NATURAL CURE FOR ALL DISEASE.    Why aren’t the Church members being told that here are natural cures for every so called disease known to man ?  Why do our brothers and sisters continue to die needlessly because the Church does not tell it’s members that there is a natural cure for all disease ?   Why doesn’t the Church stop the needless deaths of billions of brothers and sisters every year by telling them the truth, there is a natural cure for cancer, and every disease known to man ?  

    14- “They” continue to try to kill us with the air, water, food, and every way imaginable.  

    You can walk into most stores and 99% of the items contain one or more harmful, toxic, chemical or poison of some kind, to the human body.  Why doesn’t the Church warn the people about this ?  Most have no idea they are buying items that are killing them and their families.  I think it’s time to add to the Word of Wisdom, educational material for our brothers and sisters world wide that will warn against “them” who are trying to kill us with these items and to buy only organic items.  If the Church warned the members not to buy anything that is not ORGANIC it would save millions and millions of lives and eventually it would save the earth from these harmful materials too.

    These are just a few of the questions that we have.  


    Thank you, 

    brother tim….

    1. I agree with you on mostly what you say. But it is not the church’s mission to stop these evils from happening. There mission is to preach the gospel. They teach correct principles and we govern ourselves. Though it seems they have strayed from that somewhat by giving medical advice, regarding vaccines, as of late. It is our responsibility to take action on these important issues.

  19. Brett, please consider an email subscribed newsletter or just something to link us to new notes. Thank you. JN

  20. Dear Brett, This is not a comment but an invitation for you to contribute a chapter in an upcoming book. As time is of the essence I have included the whole letter:

    July 30th, 2020

    Dear Brett,

    I am an American author of eight books who has lived in Asia for 28 years where I also lead seminars and retreats. My genre is wellness/longevity and meditation with an emphasis on the non-dual awareness teachings of the three great Asian spiritual traditions. I am writing to you today to kindly request you to contribute a chapter to a book which will have world wide impact in educating the general public as to how we can make the needed changes to the whole structure of our civilization after the lockdown is over. (See my personal note to you at the end of this letter)

    I have been inspired by the participants in the World Health Sovereignty Summit, a variety of people from different countries and walks of life who are speaking out about the current lockdown and are exposing the truth about the worldwide corruption which has lead to the current situation. Each are taking practical steps in their own area of expertise to bring about a course correction on our planet.

    It is apparent that we cannot go back to “business as usual “once the lockdowns are over. So many changes will be needed to bring lasting peace and prosperity. The biggest challenge will be to turn around the 6th extinction event already underway, wherein at least fifty percent of our species are already extinct with many wildlife habitats destroyed. Most of what used to be humus rich farmland soil, is now poisoned by Roundup and GMO crops. It has become lifeless toxic dirt and unable to pair with the oceans to act as the 2nd lung of the planet. As Zach Bush has so aptly pointed out, the solution is to support farmers in switching to practices which will heal the micro biome of the planet, enabling the balance of CO2 to reassert itself.

    The oxygen level in the air is now down from 36% one hundred years ago, to 17% to 20 % today. All species now suffer from hypoxia and millions are sick with auto immune disease from toxic food, air and water. If we don’t make drastic changes to eliminate destructive oil based agricultural and pharma chemicals, the other fifty percent of species, including humans will be extinct in about seventy years.

    Having been vaccine damaged as a “military brat” in 1960 which caused me to suffer grand mal epilepsy for fifteen years (which I healed myself from), and having also later healed myself of three tumors over the course of twenty years, I am no newcomer to the current state of food and medicine. I have watched the degradation of the planet for many years with great sadness. My book Heal Yourself With Oxygen, first published in 2005, was my first attempt to expose the corruption in medicine and food production, and the lies of Louis Pasteur. Like other whistle blowers in the Summit, I had two attempts on my life after changing the title to Heal Yourself With Ozone in 2015.

    With the major mass media filled with ever more lies, deceit and downright denial, and the cabal biting at the bit to put out a vaccine to kill off a huge chunk of the uninformed world population and turn us into transhuman robots, I feel it is essential to compile a book ASAP with chapters written by the various contributors of the Summit, as well as other world experts, to help educate the public about the current situation. The book will cover the possible solutions humanity can make in a united effort to bring back the ecology of the planet and a new and more equitable economic system. I would like to request you to contribute to this effort .

    With a working title: The Solution (see possible subtitle below) I will compile the book in four parts with a central theme of how we can immediately Take steps to Save the Microbiome of both the Human Body and the Earth and stop the 6th Extinction Event. As time is of the essence, I would like to request you to consider writing a chapter in your own area of expertise, if possible by the end of August.

    I realize this may seem like short notice, but I am basically only asking you to write what you already know so well and can perhaps paraphrase from earlier written work. (You can even contribute a chapter from one of your own books, or an article, which is pertinent to the theme. I encourage you to use your contribution to further help promote your own work so the reader can be guided to further in depth information on a variety of topics. I would like to publish the book by early to mid-October. Yes, some things can be put together faster in Asia.

    I have given a lot of consideration to the structure of the book and I now have three possible working titles (let me know which you favor, and why; I am now leaning toward The Only Way) and have the contents down to four parts. Possible Titles:

    The Solution:
    How We Can Stop The Earth’s 6th Extinction Event:
    Heal The Microbiome of Humanity And The Earth

    The Only Way
    To Stop The Earth’s 6th Extinction Event:
    Heal The Microbiome of Humanity And The Earth

    The Answer etc.


    PART I: How Big Pharma (through Lipophilic, Acid Based Toxic Medicine and Vaccinations coupled With Ignorance) Is Destroying the Human Microbiome and How To Repair It

    PART II: Agricultural Chemicals (Particularly Roundup and GMO) Are Killing the Planet: How We can Support Farmers In Recreating The Microbiome of the Soil in only One Season

    PART III: Frequencies: The Science of Magneto Biology: Why The Science of Frequencies has been hidden from Us (The Truth Behind Four G and Five G) And How Energy Medicine Is the Medicine Of The Future.

    PART IV: Artificial Intelligence: The Real Culprit Behind the Technocratic Takeover of the World And Other Connected Subjects

    My job as I see it, is to compile the book ASAP. I will contribute the 1st chapter of my ozone book which debunks Pasteur and explains how ozone maintains the redox system of our blood and in the streams, lakes, rivers and oceans of the planet. I want to feature Zach Bush and his work with the farmers, Robert Young, Rashid Buttar, Judy Mikowitz, Dr. Tenpenny, Pam Popper etc and several others. I have functional medicine doctor friends here in India, Dr. Leroy Rebello (who did research at Harvard) and his partner Dr. Sudha Chapyala, who are doing similar work with farmers as to Zach Bush’s work in helping create Farmer’s Footprint. I am also including Dr. Sandeep Bhasin and Dr. Suresh Shottam who previously worked with Dr. Atkins in New York. I will invite Vandana Shiva, a well known whistleblower in Indian agriculture involved as well.

    I would like to get everyone to turn in their chapters by the end of August so I can have the book edited and complete it by the end of September.

    I have requested Sacha Stone to write an introduction for the book as my feeling is, that he would be the perfect person to give an erudite metaphysical/historical perspective on how we have arrived at this state of affairs, and would also enable him to give a short synopsis of the overall current situation, his work with Humanidad, the court he created to expose the child sex trafficking, and various other nefarious activities of the cabal etc. The basic message as I see it is that we can’t go back to business as usual after the lockdown, and from that perspective, the lockdown gave a us a good jolt and time to reflect about the needed changes etc.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Please feel free to contact me to give any constructive feedback or suggestions on the title, content, authors to consider etc. I am not putting a limit on the length of each chapter, as I know each of you has precious information to contribute and I want you to complete your thoughts etc. If it becomes too long, perhaps we can create Volume One and Two.

    However, please note, as one fellow author said to me recently, today’s readers brains are so fried by cell phones and are limited to thinking in soundbites, it is wiser to limit books and even chapters to only three messages and keep thing in simple terms. I would like the proceeds of the book to initially go to the farmers in the U.S. and India who need help in converting their chemically damaged land to proper humus rich soil. As we create more Farmers Footprint type of organizations across the world on every continent, the proceeds can then be further distributed. I look forward to hearing from you.

    In gratitude for all of your efforts on behalf of humanity,

    Dr. Paula Horan

    P.S. You can contact me by email at [email protected] or on whats app at +91 9818572791. I am on IST (Indian Standard Time) if you wish to speak to me directly.

    Dear Brett, I would like you to consider contributing two chapters: One on Vaccines with excerpts or a synopsis from Your book “Jabbed” for Part I , and one from your GMO book for Part II. I look forward to hearing from you. Paula

  21. Dear Brett, This is an invitation for you to contribute a chapter in an upcoming book. As time is of the essence I have included the whole letter:

    July 30th, 2020

    Dear Brett,

    I am an American author of eight books who has lived in Asia for 28 years where I also lead seminars and retreats. My genre is wellness/longevity and meditation with an emphasis on the non-dual awareness teachings of the three great Asian spiritual traditions. I am writing to you today to kindly request you to contribute a chapter to a book which will have world wide impact in educating the general public as to how we can make the needed changes to the whole structure of our civilization after the lockdown is over. (See my personal note to you at the end of this letter)

    I have been inspired by the participants in the World Health Sovereignty Summit, a variety of people from different countries and walks of life who are speaking out about the current lockdown and are exposing the truth about the worldwide corruption which has lead to the current situation. Each are taking practical steps in their own area of expertise to bring about a course correction on our planet.

    It is apparent that we cannot go back to “business as usual “once the lockdowns are over. So many changes will be needed to bring lasting peace and prosperity. The biggest challenge will be to turn around the 6th extinction event already underway, wherein at least fifty percent of our species are already extinct with many wildlife habitats destroyed. Most of what used to be humus rich farmland soil, is now poisoned by Roundup and GMO crops. It has become lifeless toxic dirt and unable to pair with the oceans to act as the 2nd lung of the planet. As Zach Bush has so aptly pointed out, the solution is to support farmers in switching to practices which will heal the micro biome of the planet, enabling the balance of CO2 to reassert itself.

    The oxygen level in the air is now down from 36% one hundred years ago, to 17% to 20 % today. All species now suffer from hypoxia and millions are sick with auto immune disease from toxic food, air and water. If we don’t make drastic changes to eliminate destructive oil based agricultural and pharma chemicals, the other fifty percent of species, including humans will be extinct in about seventy years.

    Having been vaccine damaged as a “military brat” in 1960 which caused me to suffer grand mal epilepsy for fifteen years (which I healed myself from), and having also later healed myself of three tumors over the course of twenty years, I am no newcomer to the current state of food and medicine. I have watched the degradation of the planet for many years with great sadness. My book Heal Yourself With Oxygen, first published in 2005, was my first attempt to expose the corruption in medicine and food production, and the lies of Louis Pasteur. Like other whistle blowers in the Summit, I had two attempts on my life after changing the title to Heal Yourself With Ozone in 2015.

    With the major mass media filled with ever more lies, deceit and downright denial, and the cabal biting at the bit to put out a vaccine to kill off a huge chunk of the uninformed world population and turn us into transhuman robots, I feel it is essential to compile a book ASAP with chapters written by the various contributors of the Summit, as well as other world experts, to help educate the public about the current situation. The book will cover the possible solutions humanity can make in a united effort to bring back the ecology of the planet and a new and more equitable economic system. I would like to request you to contribute to this effort .

    With a working title: The Solution (see possible subtitle below) I will compile the book in four parts with a central theme of how we can immediately Take steps to Save the Microbiome of both the Human Body and the Earth and stop the 6th Extinction Event. As time is of the essence, I would like to request you to consider writing a chapter in your own area of expertise, if possible by the end of August.

    I realize this may seem like short notice, but I am basically only asking you to write what you already know so well and can perhaps paraphrase from earlier written work. (You can even contribute a chapter from one of your own books, or an article, which is pertinent to the theme. I encourage you to use your contribution to further help promote your own work so the reader can be guided to further in depth information on a variety of topics. I would like to publish the book by early to mid-October. Yes, some things can be put together faster in Asia.

    I have given a lot of consideration to the structure of the book and I now have three possible working titles (let me know which you favor, and why; I am now leaning toward The Only Way) and have the contents down to four parts. Possible Titles:

    The Solution:
    How We Can Stop The Earth’s 6th Extinction Event:
    Heal The Microbiome of Humanity And The Earth

    The Only Way
    To Stop The Earth’s 6th Extinction Event:
    Heal The Microbiome of Humanity And The Earth

    The Answer etc.


    PART I: How Big Pharma (through Lipophilic, Acid Based Toxic Medicine and Vaccinations coupled With Ignorance) Is Destroying the Human Microbiome and How To Repair It

    PART II: Agricultural Chemicals (Particularly Roundup and GMO) Are Killing the Planet: How We can Support Farmers In Recreating The Microbiome of the Soil in only One Season

    PART III: Frequencies: The Science of Magneto Biology: Why The Science of Frequencies has been hidden from Us (The Truth Behind Four G and Five G) And How Energy Medicine Is the Medicine Of The Future.

    PART IV: Artificial Intelligence: The Real Culprit Behind the Technocratic Takeover of the World And Other Connected Subjects

    My job as I see it, is to compile the book ASAP. I will contribute the 1st chapter of my ozone book which debunks Pasteur and explains how ozone maintains the redox system of our blood and in the streams, lakes, rivers and oceans of the planet. I want to feature Zach Bush and his work with the farmers, Robert Young, Rashid Buttar, Judy Mikowitz, Dr. Tenpenny, Pam Popper etc and several others. I have functional medicine doctor friends here in India, Dr. Leroy Rebello (who did research at Harvard) and his partner Dr. Sudha Chapyala, who are doing similar work with farmers as to Zach Bush’s work in helping create Farmer’s Footprint. I am also including Dr. Sandeep Bhasin and Dr. Suresh Shottam who previously worked with Dr. Atkins in New York. I will invite Vandana Shiva, a well known whistleblower in Indian agriculture involved as well.

    I would like to get everyone to turn in their chapters by the end of August so I can have the book edited and complete it by the end of September.

    I have requested Sacha Stone to write an introduction for the book as my feeling is, that he would be the perfect person to give an erudite metaphysical/historical perspective on how we have arrived at this state of affairs, and would also enable him to give a short synopsis of the overall current situation, his work with Humanidad, the court he created to expose the child sex trafficking, and various other nefarious activities of the cabal etc. The basic message as I see it is that we can’t go back to business as usual after the lockdown, and from that perspective, the lockdown gave a us a good jolt and time to reflect about the needed changes etc.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Please feel free to contact me to give any constructive feedback or suggestions on the title, content, authors to consider etc. I am not putting a limit on the length of each chapter, as I know each of you has precious information to contribute and I want you to complete your thoughts etc. If it becomes too long, perhaps we can create Volume One and Two.

    However, please note, as one fellow author said to me recently, today’s readers brains are so fried by cell phones and are limited to thinking in soundbites, it is wiser to limit books and even chapters to only three messages and keep thing in simple terms. I would like the proceeds of the book to initially go to the farmers in the U.S. and India who need help in converting their chemically damaged land to proper humus rich soil. As we create more Farmers Footprint type of organizations across the world on every continent, the proceeds can then be further distributed. I look forward to hearing from you.

    In gratitude for all of your efforts on behalf of humanity,

    Dr. Paula Horan

    P.S. You can contact me by email at [email protected] or on whats app at +91 9818572791. I am on IST (Indian Standard Time) if you wish to speak to me directly.

    Dear Brett, I would like you to consider contributing two chapters: One on Vaccines with excerpts or a synopsis from Your book “Jabbed” for Part I , and one from your GMO book for Part II. I look forward to hearing from you. Paula

  22. Dear Brett,
    I would really be interested to know if the LDS church responded to your letter? I am a member that agrees with your letter and I really want to know if they responded and if so what their argument for supporting the use of aborted fetal tissue is. Thank you!

  23. Could someone please provide/post a 10+/_- point notice showing the toxic repercussions to vaccines so that we could post that on FB etc., use as an Editor to the editor or/and print off and hand out.

  24. Hi Brett – I was sent the link to your public comment at the school board meeting. Bravo! Well said. It made me want to stand up on my seat and yell, “Hell yeah!” or “Carpe diem!” 🙂

    We are currently battling the Teachers Union (TU) here in Nevada County CA. The School District Board of Trustees changed the policy so there would be no policing of mask use, and the TU had a fit. 40+ teachers and admin called in sick for 3 days, possibly against the terms of their contract. It’s all for the kids, right?! Pfft. Selfish asshats.

    So sorry politics got in the way of your 15 year healthcare career. You are in good company, however. The best and brightest are being fired. And I hope those that created this mess are held accountable. With that door closed, I hope you are finding a better, more lucrative window open.

    Can’t wait to read your books!


    1. Hi Maria, Thanks for commenting and thanks for standing up for kids in your neck of the California woods. I admire the good people who continue to fight the good fight in California and other Communist countries.

  25. Brett, I’m currently reading your book Jabbed. It’s brilliant and should be required reading for every parent. Are you still writing, updating your work, especially post Covid vaccine.

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