The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Vaccination Policy, a Letter to the First Presidency

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March 21, 2019

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Office of the First Presidency
47 East South Temple Street

Salt Lake City, Utah 84150

Re: Vaccination policy

Dear President Nelson, President Oaks, and President Eyring,

My name is Brett Wilcox. I am a lifelong member of the church, currently living in Sitka, Alaska with my family. Four years ago, I wrote a letter to President Monson and his counselors regarding the church’s position on vaccination (attached). (1)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is well known for its emphasis on protecting the sanctity of the family. The Church is also known for its support of vaccination programs, as evidenced by public statements encouraging vaccination, vaccine requirements for prospective missionaries, and its participation in and funding of international vaccination initiatives.

By linking arms with the vaccine industry, the Church has literally linked arms with the arm of flesh. Nearly all modern vaccines are contaminated with DNA fragments from various animals and from aborted male and female fetuses. (2)

It seems highly unlikely that a loving God would intend to have fetuses harvested, processed, and injected back into the bodies of pregnant women, infants, toddlers, and children. And surely, God did not intend to have His children place their faith in a one-size-fits-all medical intervention based on a (secret) combination of human sacrifice and cannibalism.

Contrary to commonly accepted dogma, vaccines are dangerous. Vaccine researchers—fully aware of this fact—design “safety” studies to hide vaccine injury and death. Rather than compare new vaccines to an inert placebo, researchers compare them to another vaccine, vaccines, or toxic vaccine ingredients, such as aluminum, which scientists routinely use to induce autoimmunity in laboratory rats. The result of these experiments is known beforehand: at least 2% of vaccine recipients in both the test group and the “placebo” group will experience serious adverse events. Researchers write off the injuries as “New Medical Events” unrelated to the test vaccine or to the toxic “placebo.” I repeat for emphasis: Researchers intentionally injure, and sometimes kill, healthy children who would not have been injured or killed, had they been given a legitimate placebo. The FDA licenses new vaccines fully aware that industry “safety” tests are nothing more than scientific treachery. (3)

The ritual of vaccination is an assault on decency, individual health, families, and on the human race. The DNA in vaccines of both fetal and animal origin has the capacity to insert itself into the DNA of vaccine recipients. (4) Vaccines currently in development will intentionally and permanently alter human DNA and the human genome. (5) Consequently, we may be among the last of our species who are fully male, female, or even human.

 The Church cannot defend the sanctity of the family and simultaneously endorse a medical procedure that is altering the human genome, dissolving gender, decreasing fertility, diminishing mental capacity, and multiplying chronic disease and disability. (6) This is especially true in developing countries where people are chronically immunocompromised due to poverty, malnutrition, and unsanitary food, water, and living conditions. Children raised in these circumstances are more vulnerable to the toxins in vaccines, which would explain why researchers in Guinea-Bissau documented that the DTP vaccine multiplied childhood mortality by fivefold. (7)

To the best of my knowledge, various parties have attempted to speak with the First Presidency, in recent years, regarding this issue. None have succeeded. Some have, instead, been granted an audience with the Church’s medical advisors. While appreciated, these meetings have not been helpful. With rare exception, medical professionals know virtually nothing about the ingredients in vaccines, vaccine adverse events, treatment for the injured, or the fact that the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid victims of vaccine injury and death over $4 billion. Few have any interest in learning, perhaps because doing so could cost them their careers.

To illustrate the ignorance and indoctrination of the medical community, please consider a short video titled “Reasons to Immunize,” posted on the BYU School of Nursing’s YouTube channel June 19, 2013. Among several other outrageous and incorrect claims, the video proclaims, “The immune system can handle 100,000 immunizations simultaneously. Seriously, 100,000.” (8) Vaccine doses range from 0.5 ml to 2.0 ml. At the lowest dosage volume, 100,000 vaccines total 50 liters or 13.2 gallons of vaccine solution.  That this kind of propaganda is regularly taught to aspiring medical professionals is evidence of the power of the vaccine industry to shut down critical thinking skills, in even the brightest minds, and it has successfully laid the stage for widespread vaccine injury and death, and denial of the same.

On March 16, 2019, The American Academy of Pediatrics “called for elimination of religious exemptions to vaccination to be the top priority for the year . . . .” (9) Vaccine stakeholders are laying the groundwork to force all people, including the First Presidency, the Quorum of the Twelve, and their families to submit to mandatory womb to tomb vaccinations, or give up their right to work, drive, travel, receive an education, or participate in public events. (10) Vaccine-related information is now being censored on the Internet and legislation of the same has been proposed. (11) (12) Vaccine program architects and the organizations they control are clearly archenemies of freedom, agency and humanity.

It is time for the Church to stop deferring to the authority of medical professionals on this issue. It’s also time for medical professionals to stop deferring to the authority of the Church on this issue. It’s time for both Church leaders and medical professionals to listen to the real authorities on this subject: the mothers of vaccine-injured and killed children—the same mothers who placed their faith in vaccinations, because Church leaders and medical professionals advised them to do so. Many of these mothers have spent thousands of hours researching, studying, and networking to understand what happened to their children. Many have successfully healed their children from their vaccine injuries, including autism. More often than not, they are scorned and threatened by their doctors for not “believing science” and are shunned and ridiculed by the Latter-day Saint community for not “following the Prophet.”

Hundreds of members—mostly mothers—have contacted the Church telling the same story: vaccines injured or killed their babies, children, teens, and missionaries. Most of the time, Public Affairs representatives assure callers that the Church has no official vaccination related policy and that members are free to seek out and act on personal revelation. This is encouraging, but insufficient. Private statements to individual callers cannot stand against the Church’s historical and ongoing public support of vaccination programs and initiatives.

It is tragic that the Church has done nothing to protect its members from international cartels that are stripping people of their God-given and Constitutionally-protected religious right to abstain from vaccination. It is shameful that the Church continues to infringe upon the Constitutionally-protected right of its missionaries to abstain from liability-free vaccinations that were brought to market by fraud and treachery. This practice must stop. If not, the Church has a moral obligation to assume full liability for vaccine-induced injuries and deaths. To do otherwise is unconscionable.

It is a disgrace that missionaries are shamed, coerced, and guilt-tripped into submitting to unwanted, liability-free vaccinations. Some are being injected by medically untrained Church leaders, or companions. Medical professionals are shielded from vaccine-related liability. Unlicensed Church leaders or missionaries acting under the direction of their leaders are not shielded. For the sake of the Church and its members, these dangerous and illegal practices must stop.

It is a disgrace that Latter-day Saint elected officials sponsor and advance vaccine-related legislation to limit the agency of their constituents, resulting in increased vaccine injury and death. It is a disgrace that Church medical advisors and educators remain dangerously and willfully misinformed on this topic. It is a disgrace that many members continue to believe that the Lord wants them to inject their healthy children with an ungodly mix of neurotoxins, cytotoxins, carcinogens, fertility inhibitors, fetal and animal DNA, etc.

Our misplaced faith in the salvational value of injected poisons must come to an end. If we don’t stand together now, virtually everyone on the planet will be forced to submit to ever increasing numbers of toxic and heinous formulations intended to alter our very DNA.

Time is running out.

I recommend that the Church’s legal department study this issue closely and take appropriate measures to advance the cause of truth and liberty. And I join with the growing number of vaccine informed people—members and non-members alike—who pray that in your capacity as Church leaders you will recognize the enemy at your doorstep and do everything within your power to protect the human family, religious freedom, and the Church from some of the most wicked evildoers who have ever walked the Earth.


Brett Wilcox, author
We’re Monsanto: Feeding the World, Lie After Lie, Book I (Book II)

Jabbed: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment and Government Stick It to You and Your Family

Cc: Church Legal Department

Church Medical Advisors

Note to readers: Please write the First Presidency and share your thoughts, feelings, and experience related to this issue. Regardless of faith, feel free to amend this letter as needed to send to your church leadership or for any other good purpose.


  1. Brett Wilcox, March 1, 2015,
  2. Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary, CDC,
  3. ICAN, December 31, 2018,
  4. Jarzyna P, et. al., “Insertional mutagenesis and autoimmunity induced disease caused by human fetal and retroviral residual toxins in vaccines,” Issues Law Med, 2016 Fall,
  5. Henke A, “DNA immunization—a new chance in vaccine research?” Med Microbiol Immunol, 2002 Dec,
  6. Children’s Health Defense,
  7. Aaby P, et. al., “Evidence of Increase in Mortality After the Introduction to Children Aged 6-35 Months in Guinea-Bissau: A Time for Reflection?” Front Public Health, 2018 March,
  8. BYUNursing, “Reasons to Immunize,” posted June 19, 2013,
  9. AAP News & Journals, “Elimination of non-medical vaccine exemptions ranked top priority at Annual Leadership Forum,” March 16, 2019,
  10. Voices for Vaccines, September 2014,
  11. “Tech’s fight against anti-vaccine content prompts free speech debate,” CBS News, March 20, 2019,
  12. Senator Dr. Richard Pan, February 19, 2019,

GMOs, Vaccines, Choice, and Informed Consent

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In 2013, our 14-year old son, David, decided that he wanted to run across the United States. My wife, Kris, and I supported his decision. I told David that I wanted our run to matter and to make a difference beyond our family. I was and continue to be passionately opposed to the agrochemical industry’s takeover of the world’s food supply. I asked David if he would mind if we ran on a GMO Free USA platform. He said okay.

In addition to training for our 3,000-mile, transcontinental run across the USA, I also wrote a book called We’re Monsanto: Feeding the World, Lie After Lie. In my research, I had become familiar with two different movements: the movement to label GMOs, and the more-assertive, more-encompassing movement to ban them from the environment.

The Just Label It movement looked good at first glance, but upon deeper examination, I concluded otherwise. Virtually everything about the technology and implementation of genetic modification is based on theft and fraud.

Vandana Shiva travels the world speaking out against Monsanto and its affiliated profiteers as they steal, corrupt, and patent Nature’s genetic heritage. Steven M. Druker, the Executive Director of the Alliance for Bio-Integrity, and author of the seminal book Altered Genes, Twisted Truth: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public, wrote, “The aggregate frauds that have been perpetrated on behalf of genetically engineered foods constitute by far the biggest fraud in the history of science.”

Thank you, Flagstaff!

It became clear to me that the call to label GMOs was a call to accept and legitimize the presence of GMOs in the environment, in the market, and in our bodies. Labeling GMOs might slow the pirating and contamination of the Earth’s biodiversity, it might slow the destruction of traditional farming and the loss of livelihood to millions of peasant farmers, but in the end, all would be lost to thieves and fraudsters and their genetic pollution.

Labeling GMOs will not stop genetic contamination. Natural plants and GMOs cannot co-exist. If the spread of GMOs in the environment is not stopped, all plant life will at minimum be corrupted and privatized, per Monsanto’s strategic plan, but more realistically, it will be permanently destroyed.

This issue is intensely spiritual for me. Forces far more powerful and intelligent than mere human beings created and sustain life on Earth. We may have the know-how to crudely and inaccurately combine DNA from different species, but we have no right to do so. We have no means to control or even predict the outcome of these ruinous experiments. It is arrogant and naive to believe otherwise.

Photo Shoot at Roy’s Gas Station on Route 66

More important than labeling GMOs, we need to label the criminals who ravage, pillage, enslave, and exploit the world’s genetic heritage. We need to expose their fraud, enact laws to stop their crimes, bring them to justice, and hold them both legally and financially responsible for “the biggest fraud in the history of science.”

Photo Shoot at Roy’s Gas Station on Route 66

Due to these facts, my son and I aligned ourselves with the organization known as GMO Free USA, and in 2014, we ran across the country on a GMO Free USA platform. We passed out some 3,000 seed packets labeled GMO Free USA, averaging about one packet per mile.

Other than a handful of people who thought we were misguided, everyone we met supported our mission. No one wants to eat poison whether that poison is sprayed on their food or manufactured within the genes of their food.

While running, we met several parents of children suffering from autism—a modern phenomenon that has exploded with the explosion of genetically modified foods, their accompanying poisons, and the vaccine schedule. I knew enough at the time to ask them if they thought vaccines had anything to do with their children’s condition and suffering. To the best of my recollection, one parent said no, and the others said yes. Their children regressed after vaccination.

In August 2014, one month after we had completed our run, Dr. William Thompson, a senior CDC scientist, went public with the news that he and his colleagues had committed scientific fraud to hide the increased risk of autism for children who received the MMR vaccine on the CDC schedule.

Thompson’s whistleblowing was big news. Very big news. Unless you follow the mainstream media, where it received little to no mention. This mainstream media blackout piqued my interest. How deep did the corruption run? Was the vaccine industry no better than the biotech industry, complete with a government-pharmaceutical revolving door, fraudulent science, bribes, threats against and intimidation of dissenting scientists, tainted educational curricula, industry P.R. machines pretending to be media, etc.?

I needed to know the answers. I was about to become a grandparent and I was concerned. No, not concerned. I was scared—scared of yet another industry willing to lie and willing to hurt my posterity for economic gain.

Since that historic day when Thompson stepped out of the shadow of the CDC, I’ve immersed myself in the study of vaccines. Once again, I’ve immersed myself in the study of corruption. My research resulted in the 2016 publication of my book Jabbed: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment, and Government Stick It to You and Your Family, a book described as an almost encyclopedic study of vaccines and vaccine industry corruption. In 2018, Skyhorse Publishing published an updated edition in hardcover which is selling better now than ever.

GMO Free Earth Day Discussion in Wichita Kansas

There are parallels between the agrochemical and vaccine industries. Both industries tout their patented genetically modified products as the latest and greatest way to save humanity. Both make the fraudulent claim that their products are safe. And just as scientists can’t possibly predict the consequences that will result as genetically modified life forms are released into the environment, neither can scientists predict the consequences that will result as vaccines containing male and female human DNA, animal DNA, disease antigens, retroviruses, carcinogens, contaminants, genetically modified ingredients, etc., are injected into our bodies, especially the bodies of babies developing within their mothers’ wombs or newborn infants.

Next-generation vaccines are intended to alter the human genome, which is something that no human being, corporation, or government has the right to do. This is a planned and purposeful crime against humanity, one we cannot permit to happen.

It’s true that many GMOs activists don’t understand the issues with vaccines. It’s also true that many vaccine-informed activists don’t fully understand the issues with vaccines. Vaccine industry “safety” studies are designed to intentionally injure and kill babies and children in toxic “placebo” groups to prove that toxic liability-free vaccines in test groups do not injure and kill babies and children. Indeed, without vaccine-induced injuries and deaths, new vaccines could not be brought to market. And because of vaccine-induced injuries, countless individuals become lifelong customers of the same industries that harmed them.

Vaccine-induced injuries and deaths are a trillion-dollar commodity.

Upon the foundation of dead and injured babies and children, the Unholy Trinity—the vaccine industry, medical establishment, and government—proclaims the unholy edict: “Vaccines are safe and effective.” And it’s doing everything within its power to mandate and force vaccinate the growing number of vaccine-informed people, most of whom are parents of vaccine-injured and killed babies and children. The same murderers and liars are now developing vaccines that will genetically modify human DNA and the human genome. These too will be pronounced safe, effective, and necessary and will be added to the mandated and forced schedule.

Unless we stop them.

Just as labeling GMOs is crucial but insufficient, protecting and strengthening vaccine exemptions is crucial, but insufficient. Advocating for free choice and informed consent for products that are brought to market by means of fraud and treachery is crucial, but insufficient. Repealing the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) is crucial, but is also unacceptably insufficient, as it would not address the problem that improperly-studied, unethically-approved vaccines are still on the market and in use.

When the world learned of Nazi Germany’s Holocaust, enlightened people did not call for choice, they did not call for informed consent, they did not beg and plead with the Nazis for exemptions. Likewise, vaccine-induced injury and death is a Holocaust of global scale that has long since eclipsed the horrors of World War II, and as such, it deserves our immediate attention and uncompromising action!

In our desperate attempt to co-exist with the Unholy Trinity, we legitimize the massive and denied decimation and killings by vaccinations. We legitimize fraud, coercion, corruption, and extortion. We consign ourselves to a never-ending battle against a cabal that cares nothing for our Constitutionally-guaranteed rights or for our children. We consign our human family to chronic illness, disease, disability, diminished functioning, and untold suffering caused by womb to tomb poisonous injections. By doing so, we may be among the last of our species who are fully male, female, or even human.  By doing so, we buy into the government’s false narrative that despite the fact that vaccines are legally defined as being “unavoidably unsafe”, they are still necessary. The new, needed, and accurate narrative is that vaccine-induced injury and death is 100% avoidable. We simply need to free our minds and our bodies from the grasp of vaccine industry tyrants, bring the perpetrators to justice, and put an end to the vaccine empire and the Global Vaccine Holocaust.

The world’s greatest defensive team and tactics will not win this battle. We must go on the offensive, starting with the task of freeing the minds of our loved ones from the hypnotic power of the word “vaccine.” If we’re going to use the word at all, we must use it accurately. Vaccines are dangerous. Vaccines are toxic. Vaccines injure, damage, and kill. Vaccines impair fertility. Vaccines cause brain inflammation resulting in various neurological disorders including autism. Vaccines lower I.Q. Vaccines cause depression, anxiety, obsessive and behavioral disorders, etc.

It is part of the false narrative to say that we need more studies to determine if the ingredients in vaccines cause these issues, because several vaccine ingredients are already known and classified as poisons, toxins, neurotoxins, carcinogens, immune and nervous system disruptors, fertility inhibitors, and sterilizing agents. Vaccines also include an ingredient used specifically to maximize penetration of the brain and individual cells. This is admitted, purposeful, and irreparable damage at a cellular level…and it is a crime.

Just as enlightened GMO activists call for a GMO Free USA/Canada/World, it is time for enlightened vaccine-informed activists to call for a Vaccine Free USA and for a Vaccine Free World. Anything less is complicity with the ongoing and increasing Vaccine Holocaust. Anything less may well be a death sentence to what is now known as the human race. Co-existence is not an option. Those who are calling the shots—whoever they are and whatever their motives may be—know this to be true. We need to accept and act upon this reality as well.

The future of the Earth, the environment, and humanity hang in the balance.

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