COVID-1984 and the American Constitution

COVID-19 is the cover story for COVID-1984.

COVID-1984 is the process by which global cartel leaders will rob from the poor, destroy economies, consolidate power, and subject virtually every person on the planet to their sociopathic whims and wishes.

Yes, this a conspiracy. No, it’s not a theory.

The Rockefellers and Dr. Bill Gates clearly and emphatically state that they are on a mission to replace the dysfunctional normal of 2019 with their dystopian New Normal.

There is no going back, they say. The path forward will include more pandemics, more fear, endless calls for testing, less privacy, fewer rights, and government surveillance, all of which will prepare the public to accept and plead for facial recognition surveillance cameras, digital currency, social credits, forced implanted chips, trackers, and vaccines.

In other words, their goal is to turn the world into China.

Several months ago, Americans watched in horror as Chinese citizens were dragged from their homes ostensibly because they were a public health risk. That could never happen in America, we thought.

We were wrong. Multi-billion-dollar testing and contact tracing schemes are not just about testing and contact tracing. They are about dragging Americans—the aged, mothers, fathers, and children—from their homes and placing them in COVID-19 camps. Both a WHO official and a Ventura County official publicly declared the same, although the latter walked back his statement due to push back from the public. The groundwork is being laid.

Imagine the following scenario: Contact tracers—agents of the state—show up at your doorstep. Your three-year old son has a fever and is crying. Your wife is soothing him in the rocking chair. The contact tracers test each of you. Your son tests positive. The contact tracers order you to hand over your son so they can take him to a COVID-19 camp. No, you can’t visit. When will he come back? Who knows?

What we do know is that a certain percentage of parents and grandparents are going to grab their guns and people are going to die. That is not a prediction. It’s a statement of fact—a fact Dr. Bill and comrades are very much aware of.

If I were the now disgraced Neil Ferguson, I would predict how many contact tracers—ie. kidnappers—will die while cavorting with my married lover. How does 2,000,000 sound, honey?

2,000,000 contact tracers will not die. But I can say almost with certainty that ENOUGH will die. Enough for what? Enough to call for the elimination of the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.

The media will have a heyday with headlines that are likely already written: “Deranged anti-vaxxer shoots yet another American hero.” “Contact tracers face deadly virus and even more deadly whack jobs.”

The American sheep herd will demand that Americans be stripped of their 2nd Amendment rights, for their own safety, of course. Sheep herding politicians will happily comply as they take their payoffs from their owners.

America will be one step closer to becoming China West.

And Dr. Bill and gang will laugh all the way to their banks, witnessing, yet again, how easily they can can manipulate, dupe, deceive, coerce, intimidate and traumatize the human herd into submission.

Watch the following video to get a better picture of who we’re talking about.

As Americans, we have a choice to make: Will we be governed by global sociopaths or by the American Constitution? We cannot be governed by both.

Which will we choose?

Wanted: Contact tracers.

Qualifications: Culturally induced blindness, ignorance of American law and history, and a special love for your Big Brother.

Risks: A few contact tracers will die, but that’s a sacrifice the Cabal is willing to make.

Brett Wilcox is a Licensed Professional Counselor, artist, and author of three books:

  1. JABBED: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment and Government Stick It to You and Your Family.
  2. WE’RE MONSANTO: Feeding the World Lie After Lie.
  3. WE’RE MONSANTO: Still Feeding the World, Life After Lie.

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