Mask Resolution – Sitka Assembly Meeting – July 14, 2020

To mask or not to mask? This is the question being asking around the world. Sitka took up the issue on July 14, 2020 in the Sitka Assembly meeting. Citizens made statements before the assembly voted against the resolution 4-3.

I could be wrong, but I don’t believe anyone changed their position by the information that was shared by the assembly or the public.

Several masked speakers said, “This is not political.” What they meant, of course, is that this should not be political. But it is. Public health is, at its core, political. It’s rooted in politics and government. And as I detailed in my book JABBED, it plays a large role in the decline of the health of our children.

Just as one size fits all vaccine mandates inevitably result in harm, one size fits all mask mandates also result in harm–physical, psychological, and social harm.

The meeting can be viewed in its entirety at the link. My comments are found at min 48:35.

The transcript follows.

My name is Brett Wilcox. I am the author of the book JABBED: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment and Government Stick It to You and Your Family. I was fired from my job in April for questioning the official COVID-19 narrative.

We meet this evening as frogs in a pot of water, largely oblivious to the fact that globalists and public servants are turning up the heat resulting in the loss of God-given and Constitutionally recognized rights.

Mandated mask use represents yet another infringement on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  (

A few months ago, top level experts repeatedly chided Americans for donning masks. The message was clear: masks don’t help, and they may make things worse. Since then they’ve flip flopped like fish on a beach. ( (

In 2018, Canadian labor arbitrator William Kaplan ruled against a mandated vaccine or mask policy for healthcare workers calling it illogical, unreasonable and bizarre. This is the second time arbitrators have ruled against the VOM policy. (

If the scientific evidence does not support the masking of unvaccinated health care workers in a professional setting with medical grade masks, do you really believe that masking snot-nosed children with filthy fabric face coverings will magically provide protection from a virus they virtually never contract nor transmit? (

The quality of the air mask wearers rebreathe in your masks right now violates OSHA’s safety standards resulting in physical harm to you.(, min 1:51:00) ( (

And in this environment of fraudulently hyped up fear our children are being trained to believe that the air they breathe might kill them, their friends or their family. (

Life-long trauma will result.

I don’t drink my urine or eat my feces and with or without a mandate, I refuse to re-breathe my exhaled waste.

The hatred and vitriol that will be directed at me for this statement is the same hatred that will be directed at Sitka’s school children who are unable to wear masks due to respiratory issues caused by vaccines or other environmental toxins. ( (/

Some will return home from school and hold razor blades, pills, or guns in their hands as they weigh their options. At the same time, older people will go on their final walk before dying because the masks on their faces reduced their access to oxygen.

If you implement an institutional caste system based on mandated mask use, you will be responsible for these unspeakable outcomes.

If you must be afraid, be afraid of the criminals who create, manipulate and profit from your fear. They are hiding in plain sight at the World Economic Forum. ( Do a search for Event 201, Strategic Intelligence, The Great Reset, the 4th Industrial Revolution and hundreds of other topics to get a picture of the world they’re hell bent on creating, with or without our consent.

I do not consent, submit, or comply. To comply with tyranny is complicity with tyranny.

I applaud your good intentions, but the road to tyranny and dangerous public health measures is paved with good intentions. Don’t go down that road.

Thank you.

Brett Wilcox is a husband, parent, grandparent, Licensed Professional Counselor, and author of three books:

  1. JABBED: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment and Government Stick It to You and Your Family.
  2. WE’RE MONSANTO: Feeding the World Lie After Lie.
  3. WE’RE MONSANTO: Still Feeding the World, Lie After Lie.

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