Kids First Sitka Requests Changes in Covid Related Protocol

January 17, 2022

Dear Superintendent Hauser, School Board Members and Principals,

We are writing to you regarding the current covid mitigations in our school district and are requesting some items to be added to the February agenda for consideration. Before we state them, we would like to thank you for making some positive changes after the December school board meeting. Thank you for allowing parents and volunteers back into the classrooms, and for reconfirming with your coaches and PE teachers your own policy of not requiring students wear masks during physical activities. We are also incredibly appreciative of in person learning and recognize your efforts to accomplish this during these unprecedented times. 

We, with the support of Kids First Sitka, a non-partisan, civic organization that advocates for children and parental rights, respectfully request that SSD and the School Board add the following items to the Feb 2nd, 2022, Sitka School Board meeting agenda and vote on each item based on its individual merits and revise their American Rescue Plan, Covid Mitigation plan and associated policy accordingly. Additionally, we request the school district make available to us the applicable equipment to present a power point presentation.

  1. We request the school board rescind Superintendent Hauser’s liaison position with the local/state health officials and appoint at least 3 school board members to the liaison position. Additionally, all school board members will have authority to make proposed revisions to the ARP and covid mitigation plan and have the authority to vote on said revisions. (Doing so will create more balance in the decision-making process thus decision-making is derived from a panel and not one individual.)
  2. Studies have proven masking students does not reduce viral infection or transmission, the school district and school board will no longer consider or speak of mask use as an effective mitigation measure and revise the ARP and covid mitigation plan to make masks optional for students, teachers, and staff. (This option does not take away the rights of individuals who choose to wear a mask. Face covering usage impairs communication and education. Forcing masking of children is child abuse and an abuse of power.)
  3. SSD shall refrain from making implied threats of school closures due to Covid in any way. (As we understand it, school closures would be contrary to the ARP’s requirement of “Continuity of Services” including academic, social, emotional, and mental health. Our teachers, students and community should not have to live in fear under this implied threat. Perpetuating a perceived or implied threat causes undue stress for many in our community. It is openly recognized that these implied threats from SSD makes the students feel responsible if schools were to close. This is a form of psychological abuse to the students.)

Although covid vaccination is not required in SSD we request any reference to covid vaccination or status be removed from all SSD policy, communication, including teachers, etc…and will not under any circumstance be required for students or staff. Additionally, SSD, teachers and staff shall not be a proponent of covid vaccines or advocate for them. (Medical procedures such as a vaccine without informed consent is a violation of the Nuremberg Code and is a personal choice to be discussed with a medical professional. It is not the responsibility of SSD, teachers, or staff to inform our children of medical procedures.)

We feel strongly that all items are extremely relevant and should be allowed. In recognition of Sitka exceptionally high covid vaccination rate almost 79% fully vaccinated we felt this was an appropriate time to request the revisions. The SSD’s ARP covid mitigation plan indicates that it can be updated with consideration given to the local covid vaccination rates.

Thank you, and we look forward to working with you towards our common goals and seek to have an open line of communication. If you have any questions or suggestions for us to guide us through this process, feel free to reach out to us preferably via email. Thank you for your consideration on these important issues. Our plan is to have each agenda item presented by a different individual. A prompt reply to our email is requested and would be greatly appreciated.    


Kids First Sitka

Dawn Young 

Wendy Dougan 

Katherine Gluth

Brett Wilcox is a husband, parent, grandparent, and author of three books:

  1. JABBED: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment and Government Stick It to You and Your Family.
  2. WE’RE MONSANTO: Feeding the World Lie After Lie.
  3. WE’RE MONSANTO: Still Feeding the World, Lie After Lie.

This Stops When We Stop Them – Sitka Assembly Testimony 1.11.22

Good evening, Sitkans. I’m Brett Wilcox, author of JABBED: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment and Government Stick it to You and Your Family

The most disturbing thing that came from last week’s school board meeting was the testimony of high school girls who repeated the same message: “We’ll wear the masks, but whatever you do, don’t lock us down again. We hated lockdown school. It was horrible, it was traumatizing.”

These girls have learned the lesson that abused children learn: “We’ll do whatever you want, just don’t beat us again. Please don’t beat us.”

And then there was the testimony of a grade schoolteacher who said that about a quarter of the children choose to stay inside during recess, inside and masked rather than outside playing mask free. The teacher said this is proof that kids don’t mind the masks.

What this really proves is that at least some of those mask-wearing kids believe that their breath is dangerous; and an unknown percentage of teachers are active participants in the indoctrination process resulting in the physical and psychological abuse of children. The trauma for some of these kids will be lifelong.

The Sentinel “covered” the school board meeting but failed to mention Dr. Wein’s bombshell testimony in which he related Dr. Joe McLaughlin’s statement regarding the worthless nature of cloth masks, the same masks that terrified people have hid behind for nearly two years.  McLaughlin is Alaska’s chief epidemiologist. I emailed Dr. Wein’s testimony to the assembly just in case they missed it last week. The public can read it at

McLaughlin’s comments, while appreciated, are not news to the scientific community or to the people running the Covid operation. Dozens of mask related studies spanning decades demonstrate that even when worn correctly by professionals in clinical settings, surgical masks provide little if any benefit against viral infections.

Since scientists have always known that cloth masks don’t work as the Covid prophets declare, we have to ask: Why is the mask rhetoric changing? Why is it that even on CNN cloth masks are now referred to as facial decorations? Why now?

It is naïve to believe that our captors have any intention of releasing us from our psychological, facial, financial, spiritual, and in some cases, physical jail cells. The end game was and is global slavery.

If anything, when pundits trash talk cloth masks, they are not prepping the public for facial freedom. No, they are prepping the public for more fear and for more abuse.

This will likely come in the form of mandatory N95 mask requirements as seen already at Cornell University. Mandating N95 masks is just more of the same: another strategy to destroy humanity one mind, one spirit, and one breath at a time. 

This stops when we take the masks off our minds, our souls, and our faces. This stops when we reclaim our sanity and our sovereignty. This stops when we bring the perpetrators of the largest and deadliest crime ever perpetrated—the ongoing Covid crime—to justice.

Thank you.

Brett Wilcox is a husband, parent, grandparent, and author of three books:

  1. JABBED: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment and Government Stick It to You and Your Family.
  2. WE’RE MONSANTO: Feeding the World Lie After Lie.
  3. WE’RE MONSANTO: Still Feeding the World, Lie After Lie.

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