This blog includes both my written and oral statement (click to download) to the Sitka School Board on August 18, 2021. They differ because I did not use notes when addressing the school board.
I’m Brett Wilcox. I’m the author of the book and Jabbed: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment, and Government Stick It to You and Your Family. Last week I emailed a letter to the Sitka assembly regarding their scientifically indefensible mask mandate. I forwarded a copy to each of you. My letter can be read online at RunningTheCountry.com.
I’m not going to waste time convincing the believers among you that masks don’t work. If you don’t know that fact 18 months into this pandemic, nothing I say in the next three minutes will persuade you otherwise.
I’m here tonight talking to those of you who know the truth, you who know that masks have never protected against viral illnesses, especially when worn by kids. You know that masks trap bacteria and filth, especially when worn by kids. You who know that masking kids is child abuse.
We’re all familiar with the story of the emperor who wore no clothes. The story ends when a little boy stated the obvious: “The emperor has no clothes.” Those words woke up the people from their collective delusion, from their mass psychosis.
We are living in a time of collective delusion, mass hypnosis, or mass psychosis. Just as the psychosis in the story was created by crooks, the sociopaths in charge of the Covid narrative have placed society in a state of mass psychosis by means of 24/7 fear mongering, fraud, and lies.
Epidemiologists, unfortunately, are attracted to the fearmongers like pedophiles are attracted to the Boy Scouts of America. As of three months ago, 17% of epidemiologists were afraid to touch their own mail. 26% were afraid to go on hikes. (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/12/upshot/covid-epidemiologists.html, https://www.newsrust.com/2021/05/with-hugs-and-haircuts-us.html)
And these are the people we look to for public policy?
We choose to listen to their irrational voices while ignoring our children as they cry out, “We can’t breathe!”
These people should not be given power and paychecks; however, they should be given counseling.
What are we teaching our children by masking them, scaring them, and ignoring their need for oxygen?
We’re teaching them their needs don’t matter, that they don’t count, that their own breath doesn’t count.
We’re teaching them that big people can force them to do things with their bodies against their will.
We’re teaching them to submit to absurdity, which destroys their will and their capacity to think critically.
We’re teaching them that their breath is dangerous, that by breathing, they can kill their grandparents.
No wonder children are crying out for help and are committing suicide at record numbers.
In the Emperor story, there were many adults who undoubtedly knew the truth. They knew that the king was naked, but they kept their mouths shut because they didn’t want to lose their positions and they didn’t want to lose their standing in the community. Losing your position as thing one, losing your standing in the community is one thing, but losing your standing before God is an entirely different thing.
Ultimately this is not about you, it’s about our kids. It’s about protecting our kids from the sociopaths who don’t care that they’re hurting our kids and from the germaphobes who can’t see that they’re hurting our kids.
I know many of you here tonight. I know that you’re good people. I know that you don’t want to hurt Sitka’s kids. This is your opportunity to stand up for our kids, when few are willing to do so.
I remember reading somewhere that is better for a person to have a millstone placed around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea than to harm one of God’s little ones.
Can I get an Amen?
So be it.
Brett Wilcox is a husband, parent, grandparent, and author of three books:
Brett, this is so powerful.
Very well stated Brett! If we are not advocates for the children, who will be?
It is as if all the evidence and research showing that masks are NOT effective in terms of this virus being transmitted, is falling on deaf ears.
The long term psychological effects alone of wearing masks are traumatizing to children, teenagers, and adults. And to top it off, wearing masks for any period of time are filthy!!
I would think the ramifications of all this could possibly carry legal consequences for school board members, school administrators, and/or city assembly members.
Lastly, as more and more parents stand up for their legal rights, aren’t school districts and city administrators even concerned about school enrollments?
I hope our Comminity of Sitka would treat each student with dignity and ban masks.
Liberty or control? Fear? How will we choose?