Reflections on a Run

Antelope Island is the largest island in the Great Salt Lake.

Antelope Island

On March 15th, 2021, I ran to the island’s highest peak. One of the best things about my run was my conversation with a strong, healthy, outgoing 73-year-old man who was living life to the fullest.

The worst thing about my run was my grim encounters with two different couples who were obvious members of the Covid Death Cult (CDC).

I greeted both couples with a friendly hello. They kept their eyes down and their mouths presumably shut, hidden behind their suffocators. Correction: one woman had her face exposed, but as I approached, she pulled the front of her hoodie up over her mouth and nose.

Of course, it is personally insulting to know that millions of people consider my breath to be toxic, but this is not about me. It’s about the fact that cult leaders have successfully inducted a record number of people into their cult in record time.

Cults are usually characterized as a small group of zealots who believe their salvation is based on following the bizarre truth claims of charismatic charlatans. I stand in awe and disgust at the success of the high priests/charlatans of the Covid Death Cult in turning their cult into a mainstream religion, infecting, as would be expected, members of the church of Scientism. What is surprising is the success these charlatans have also had infecting most, if not all, traditional religions and many of their followers.

To be clear, the central tenets of the Covid Death Cult are demonstrably false. The dreaded virus, whatever it may or may not be, with its 99+% survival rate, did not and does not justify the destruction of global economies and agricultural systems which is wreaking havoc and death around the world.

Cult leaders know full well that disease projections were wildly exaggerated as are death counts even as they quote these fabricated figures to scare people into their cult.

Cult leaders know that the symptoms of the virus are treatable, even as they proclaim there is no treatment.

Cult leaders know that masks are at best useless and at worst lethal, even as they proclaim that masks act as a magic talisman against “the invisible enemy.”

Cult leaders know that closing schools and masking children is government sponsored, culturally sanctioned, and scientifically indefensible child abuse even as they call for closed schools and masked children.

Cult leaders know that viruses transmit regardless of lockdowns. They know that the effects of lockdowns result in far more harm than good even as they declare that lockdowns save lives.

Cult leaders know that the use of unregulated PCR tests is nothing short of fraud, used to generate profits and to create false data to scare or placate cult members as needed.

Cult leaders know that experimental gene therapies marketed as vax$ines were not designed to prevent infection or transmission. They know that these experimental drugs cannot and will not result in herd immunity. They know that these drugs will likely negatively impact human fertility. They know that a percentage of vulnerable people including the elderly, recently infected, and other subgroups die shortly after receiving and as a direct consequence of the drugs. They know that those who survive will be at increased risk of a host of medical issues in the coming months, years, and decades. They know all of these facts while they deny them and while pumping billions of dollars into their propaganda machine to convince otherwise intelligent people that these dangerous, gene altering drugs are “safe and effective”, “nothing short of miraculous”, and a “literal godsend”.

Cult leaders know that free speech and discourse and honest scientific research will weaken and destroy their cult. That’s why they will stop at nothing to ensure that their dogma fills the air waves, the print media, academic journals, social media, churches, schools, and town halls. Those who voice contrary opinions — regardless of credentials — must be silenced.

They know that this pandemic is not about a virus, it’s about power, control, surveillance, domination, corruption, greed, revolution, and genocide. It is, in fact, the greatest heist, the greatest transfer of power, and very likely the greatest holocaust in the history of the world.

What these cult leaders don’t and can’t know are the unforeseeable effects and outcomes of their actions in spite of their planning. Will viruses become more infectious and more dangerous as a result of their gene therapies? Will mothers be doomed to give birth to impaired offspring if they are able to conceive and carry their babies to term? Will their own families be affected or destroyed as well?

Tyrannical cult leaders enjoy their moment of fame and power, but, inevitably, they fall. There will come a time when even the most devout cult members will be shaken from their trance. They will burn their suffocators, breathe clean air, and embrace humanity as they exit the cult. Some of them will become warriors standing in defense of their freedom, families, and countries. 

The only question remaining is how many people and how many generations will suffer and die before the Great Awakening reaches a tipping point when cult leaders are held, tried, and convicted for what is undoubtedly the greatest collection of crimes ever perpetrated upon humanity?

May God grant us strength, clarity and peace of mind as we work toward that day when we can all hike trails without threat of punishment, safely speak our minds, and rejoice as we reclaim our God-given, inalienable rights.

P.S. One year ago today I published my initial thoughts on the pandemic. Some two weeks later my employer used that blog as an excuse to fire me, an event they had no doubt been planning for years. I shared the story in a blog titled Free At Last published on April 6, 2020. Since then, my former employer has made the experimental use vax$ine a prerequisite for newly hired employees. It is my understanding that such a requirement is illegal. Even members of the U.S. military are not required to submit to this emergency use authorized gene therapy. There is much work to be done.

Brett Wilcox is a husband, parent, grandparent, Licensed Professional Counselor, and author of three books:

  1. JABBED: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment and Government Stick It to You and Your Family.
  2. WE’RE MONSANTO: Feeding the World Lie After Lie.
  3. WE’RE MONSANTO: Still Feeding the World, Lie After Lie.


Covidicide [ koh-vid-uh-sahyd]: killing, death and destruction caused by or subsequent to COVID related measures, policies, rules, pronouncements, interventions and treatments including but not limited to the following:

• the planned, purposeful, and coordinated killing of nursing home residents by government officials in several countries via compulsory co-mingling of COVID patients with COVID negative residents.

• the killing of nursing home residents as a consequence of loneliness, isolation, depression, and sickness due to the long-term forced separation from healthy family and friends.

• the planned and purposeful killing of elderly and disabled patients via administration of respiratory-inhibiting drugs including morphine.

• the killing of both COVID and non-COVID patients by refusing to provide care to real and present patients purportedly to free up resources for theoretical, future patients.

• the killing of COVID patients who are instructed to stay home until their condition has deteriorated rather than seek out and receive early intervention and treatment.

• the killing of non-COVID patients by withholding standard medical care over extended periods of time including diagnostic tests, treatments, and interventions.

• the killing of inpatient COVID patients via profit-driven but contraindicated intubation and ventilation.

• the killing of patients via unwanted Do Not Resuscitate orders.

• the planned and purposeful injuring and killing of people in the HCQ related UK Recovery and WHO Solidarity trials where late-stage COVID patients were given four times the recommended HCQ dosage normally given to early ambulatory patients with zinc and/or azithromycin.

• the planned and purposeful injuring and killing of people who were prevented from receiving HCQ as a result of the fraudulent Surgisphere study which was published by the Lancet [and later retracted] and promoted as evidence against the safety and efficacy of HCQ.

• the planned, purposeful and coordinated killing of people by so-called experts with their claim that there are no known COVID treatments, the censorship of information regarding COVID treatments, and by limiting and/or removing access to such treatments including but not limited to HCQ.

• the planned, purposeful and coordinated killing of people who would have received effective treatments were it not for the silencing, firing, censoring and punishment of medical providers who successfully treat COVID patients.

• the killing of people caused by doctors who fail to honor their Hippocratic Oath by withholding information from COVID patients regarding known and recognized COVID treatments and/or by refusing to prescribe such treatments.

• the killing of people caused by the failure of so-called experts and medical professionals to inform the public of known and recognized natural and inexpensive strategies to strengthen the human immune system.

• the killing of COVID and non-COVID patients who fail to seek medical care due to unreasonable fear caused by fear mongering from so-called experts and the 24/7 panic news cycle.

• the killing of COVID and non-COVID patients who are prevented from having an advocate by their side to ensure proper medical care and to guard against unnecessary and dangerous medical care.

• the killing of individuals due to heart failure, strokes and other causes via 24/7 COVID-related fear mongering.

• the accidental and/or purposeful loss of life due to excess use of pharmaceuticals, alcohol, and other drugs used as COVID-related coping strategies.

• suicide resulting from psychological and emotional trauma and/or financial distress due to COVID measures including lockdown, chronic social isolation, bullying, and shaming.

• the killing of community members resulting from COVID-related fights and assaults.

• the killing of individuals due to complications from mask use including hypoxia, hypercapnia, loss of consciousness, falls, and infections.

• the killing of individuals who submit to ineffective and dangerous flu shots due to COVID-related fear mongering.

• the killing of individuals via unethical testing and the release of experimental vaccines brought to market at “warp speed.”

• the destruction of healthy child development and healthy parent/child relationships caused by chronically frightened and traumatized parents, the masking of parents and/or children, fear of parent/child physical contact, and obsessive focus on hygiene.

• the destruction of the family caused by COVID-related separation and isolation via forced detainment/quarantine camps and other facilities.

• the destruction of the global food system resulting in increased malnutrition, compromised health, loss of IQ, disease, and/or starvation.

• the killing of individuals by police officers and/or soldiers due to COVID-related measures or consequences including riots, curfews, travel restrictions, etc.

• the killing of truth via fabricated and/or inaccurate COVID-related statistics including exaggerated disease projections, the fraudulent reclassification of COVID deaths, and PCR-test chicanery resulting in exaggerated and meaningless case counts.

• the killing of common sense and critical thinking skills as manifested by unquestioning submission to endless inane, dangerous, and/or contradictory pronouncements from so-called experts.

• the destruction of education caused by scientifically and morally indefensible school-related COVID measures including mask use and other barriers, online learning, and over exposure to toxic substances, all of which negatively impacts student and teacher well-being, learning and participation, resulting in increased behavioral and mental health issues, withdrawals, “dropouts”, risky behaviors and suicide.

• the killing of the arts and the personal, interpersonal, and societal benefits derived from the creation, expression, and experiencing of the arts.

• the planned and purposeful destruction of the global economy, economic systems and the forced closure of millions of businesses deemed non-essential resulting in unemployment, loss of income and savings, despair, illness, premature death and suicide.

• the killing of kindness, love, good will and civility.

• the killing of bodily autonomy and individual sovereignty.

• the killing of parental rights regarding the care and education of their children.

• the killing of God-given, Constitutionally recognized rights including but not limited to freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, freedom of religion, and freedom of privacy.

• the potential bastardization and/or annihilation of the human race caused by the unpredictable and unknown effects of vaccines designed to permanently alter human DNA.

Brett Wilcox is a husband, parent, grandparent, Licensed Professional Counselor, and author of three books:

  1. JABBED: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment and Government Stick It to You and Your Family.
  2. WE’RE MONSANTO: Feeding the World Lie After Lie.
  3. WE’RE MONSANTO: Still Feeding the World, Lie After Lie.

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