I was recently informed of the death of a man named David Wilcox. He lived a very nice life and enjoyed hang gliding and fishing. He was also a very philosophical man. The government, Monsanto, and other poison makers poisoned David with Agent Orange. Monsanto worked with the government during WWII to create a poison to spray on Japanese rice fields to starve the Japanese people. They didn’t use it until the Vietnam War. Like thousands of other soldiers, David was exposed to Agent Orange when he served during the Vietnam War. Agent Orange contains dioxin which is one of the most toxic chemicals known to man. I think it’s cool that the veteran David Wilcox and I have the same name. I think David would be happy knowing that I’m running across America to tell people about Monsanto and GMOs.
Speaking of GMOs, Monsanto and Dow Chemical submitted their new GMO corn to the USDA. This corn is resistant to 2-4-D. 2-4-D is half of the formula of Agent Orange. That’s why people are calling this GMO corn, Agent Orange corn.
How do you think the veteran David Wilcox would feel knowing that Monsanto and Dow want to poison Americans with deadly 2-4-D? How do you feel about it?