More than three years ago, I published a blog titled Pro Vax Manifesto, a collection of 130 ridiculous things people believe about vaccines. It is, my no means, a comprehensive list.
Absurd beliefs about vaccines don’t just happen; vaccine zealots, profiteers, and sociopaths create them. They get together and strategize, create a paradigm, then they turn that paradigm over to marketing teams with billion-dollar budgets who create lies and propaganda who then foist all of it onto the public.
Before long, otherwise intelligent parents, government officials, medical professionals, and talking heads internalize, proclaim, and act on that paradigm. As a result of industry-sponsored deception, we line up our kids and repeatedly poison them throughout their early years and then teach them to do the same to their children.
The results are devastating and/or enriching, depending on the role you play in the racket.
Billions jabbed, billions injured, billions of dreams destroyed, billions made and socked away.
The fictional character Forrest Gump was not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he was man of great wisdom. Two of his most famous pronouncements were: “Stupid is as stupid does” and “*hit happens.” Some things happen all on their own, but other things happen as a direct result of our blind devotion to absurd orthodoxies. Mr. Gump might call that stupid.
Governments, people in authority, and industry have a long history of lying for power, control, and profit. Virtually everyone recognizes that fact. And yet, when it comes to the fabled profession of public health and their liability-free jabs, most people willingly turn off their brains, fall to their knees, and worship. Vaccinology is, to such people, their chosen religion. Doctors are priests, CDC scientists are prophets, their words are scripture, and vaccination is a magic and miraculous ordinance offering protection from evil, invisible enemies, and death.
And then bad *hit happens again and again in front of our eyes, yet most people refuse to see it.
Why? Because of our conditioning, our fear, and our absurd belief that the same people who lie about other pharmaceutical products would never do the same with vaccines.
We teach people how to treat us and our collective devotion to the religion of vaccinology teaches those on top that their rapacious business model works. They create the story, marketers sell it, we buy it, and they get what they want: power, control, and profit, and we get the illusion of safety, blind to the lies and destruction we see all around us.
As I wrote in my book JABBED, this business model operates on the following formula: Irrational fear of infectious disease + Irrational belief that vaccines safely prevent infectious disease = Vaccine compliance.
Even though zealots, profiteers, and sociopaths have multiplied their power, control, and profit in recent years by multiplying the vaccine schedule, they’ve run into a major problem: insufficient fear. In spite of their best and most ridiculous efforts, measles just doesn’t scare people enough. It would help if someone—anyone—in the USA would die from measles, but they just can’t get it to happen.
Without fear, the formula doesn’t work.
Since they couldn’t persuade people to be sufficiently afraid of measles, zealots, profiteers, and sociopaths needed a new trick, something really scary, something that actually killed people by the dozens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and if they got really lucky, by the millions or billions. The more the better because, well . . . the formula.
Enter SARS-Cov2 and COVID-19. New virus, new disease, new words, new propaganda, new lies, more fear, more power, more control, more profit, all with the promise of a vaccine jackpot: More than 7 billion jabs administered not once, but twice, or yearly, or whenever they command.
They knew it would work because it always works. They just needed to come up with doom and gloom models, and then call for draconian lockdowns, complete with a long list of ridiculous policies, rules, and punishments. They knew we would buy all of it—hook, line, and sinker—because, as a herd, we’re not much smarter than sheep.
How they must despise us!
And as much as I despise the criminals who are now in the act of perpetrating this global atrocity, I stand in awe at their ability to come as far as they’ve come, in spite of the fact that a calculator and a brief review of the literature quickly shines light on the magnitude of this ongoing crime.
The whole affair is both brilliant and stupid. So stupid, in fact, it might be appropriate to designate 2020 as the year of The New Stupid.
My hope and prayer is that enough people wake up from their fear-induced trance so that we can leave The New Stupid in 2020 and be done with it. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if by 2021 our vision could actually be 20/20?
May we realize once and for all the following facts:
- The primary mission of the CDC and the profession of public health is to sell vaccines that are created and manufactured by some of the most powerful criminals who have ever walked the Earth.
- When you buy vaccines, you increase their power over you and you also increase your chances of becoming a lifelong customer.
- There is not a single ingredient in vaccines that makes you or your children healthy or healthier.
- There are nearly 60 studies that demonstrate what every 6-year old knows: injecting poison into your body is stupid and—to one degree or another—it will make you sick and it just might kill you.
- If you’re not buying pharmaceutical lies and products, then you are of no value to the sociopaths who profit from those lies and products.
They’re wrong, of course.
At your deepest level, you believe or aspire to the following:
- You are the sovereign of your body, mind, and soul.
- You are of are of infinite value.
- You have the power, ability and will to see through smokescreens of propaganda and lies.
- If you’re afraid, you’re afraid of real threats, not contrived ones, and your fear informs your decisions in a constructive way.
- You protect your children from zealots, profiteers and sociopaths.
- Your beliefs are founded upon facts and personal experience, not corporate propaganda nor by peer pressure or mob mentality.
- You are not controlled by bullies or tyrants regardless of their position or ideology.
- When you take something into your body, you do so with full and voluntary informed consent.
- You connect with and support loving people who value you.
- You cherish both freedom and life and if necessary, you will sacrifice your life, for life without freedom is not worth living.
Bill Gates and others don’t want you to believe any of these points. They want you to believe that we’re not going back to the way things were “until there’s a vaccine.”
They’re all wrong, of course.
We’re not going back at all.
We’re moving forward.
We’ve learned our lesson.
Bowing down, surrendering our liberty, and submitting to their tyrannical and nonsensical orders has created one of the largest catastrophes in human history, the consequences of which will be borne out for decades.
It’s time to cast away The New Stupid and return to the sure and eternal foundation of individual liberty and agency. It’s time to help others do the same according to our individual gifts and talents.
I help people free themselves from the tyrannical religion of vaccinology by exposing the absurd lies promoted by vaccine zealots, profiteers and sociopaths.
The world is now awash with pandemic-related lies that have resulted in absurd, nonsensical, ridiculous and dangerous policies, pronouncements and regulations. These, of course, hurt each of us individually and collectively.
If you feel so inspired, please share a few such rules, policies or experiences by commenting below. Doing so, will empower all of us by helping us see the truth.
Good-bye and good riddance to The New Stupid. Hello, and welcome back individual liberty, agency and truth.
Brett Wilcox and his 15-year old son ran across the USA in 2014 promoting a GMO Free USA and world. Brett is a Licensed Professional Counselor, small business owner, and author of three books: