Thanks to more than 3,000 people who downloaded We’re Monsanto: Feeding the World, Lie After Lie, in the five days leading up to the global March Against Monsanto on October 12, 2013.
Catherine Myers explains how she’s using both the Kindle and paperback versions in the following review:
“Activists who are trying to expose Monsanto all know the corporation has done a lot of evil, wicked, despicable stuff. We all know Monsanto’s pattern of lies has repeated every time the harms of one of Monsanto’s products like DDT, PCB’s, Agent Orange, RoundUp, and GMO’s begin to be exposed. We’ve witnessed it again and again over the course of decades. Hundreds of sources have reported and controverted Monsanto’s lies. This book documents it all in a concise, referenced format that activists can readily access in their efforts to educate community groups and the general public about the evil that is Monsanto. I consider this book the March Against Monsanto Bible. Anyone who is interested in talking with family members, co-workers, neighbors or fellow students about the deathly harm of Monsanto products to people, pets, and the environment will find this book very useful. It will be invaluable for me and the hundreds of thousands of other activists who want to stop Monsanto before Monsanto stops Mankind. Thank you for this essential reference. I have ordered the paperback version to carry with me at marches and add to my community outreach tables at Monsanto sponsored community events where they seek to whitewash the crimes they are committing against humanity.”
— Catherine Myers, Activist, USA
We’re Monsanto ranked #15 in Canada and #116 in the USA in Amazon’s top free Kindle titles.

(Personally, I would have downloaded the book with the hot make out scene on the cover!)
Several people in distant locations stated they were unable to download We’re Monsanto from Amazon. For a limited time only, I will email the PDF version of We’re Monsanto to people who are unable to download it provided they commit to write a review on Amazon.
If you are unable to download the book and promise to review it within one week, then request a copy in the comment section below and I will email it to you.
My teen-aged son, David, and I will run across the USA in 2014 promoting sustainable agriculture, GMO food labeling, and seed freedom. If you request a PDF copy of We’re Monsanto, I will add your email address to our Running The Country blog to keep you updated on our transcontinental run. And even if you don’t request a PDF copy, subscribe to our blog! You’ll enjoy the updates and we will appreciate your support.
Thanks again!
Seed freedom now!