“Compelling! We’re Monsanto exposes Monsanto’s true colors. A must-read for anybody who thinks Monsanto is actually saving the world. Bravo!”
— Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Coauthor of Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases

No doubt, you and many other passionate people already know that Monsanto and the biotech industry have enormous control over the U.S. government and the world’s food supply. And no doubt you’ve discovered that most of your friends, family, and neighbors still don’t know, and worse, don’t care. If you’re like me, you’ve probably had frustrating conversations with people who “just don’t get it.” Most of these people aren’t the least bit interested in reading a fat, text-heavy book full of facts and figures. But many of them would read a book filled with engaging text balanced with captivating and humorous photos and illustrations.

I’m thrilled to announce that such a book now exists. We’re Monsanto: Feeding the World, Lie after Lie is live on Amazon both as a paperback and a Kindle ebook.
We’re Monsanto will help you as you help others understand the truth about Monsanto and the biotech industry. We’re Monsanto is packed full of dynamic March Against Monsanto photos from around the world. Monsanto tells the world that it protects the environment, that Roundup and GMOs are safe, and that it respectfully sues farmers. We’re Monsanto tells the truth about these and several other lies. We’re Monsanto may play a crucial role in kicking Monsanto’s genetically modified butt out of Washington D.C. and out of farmers’ fields.

Like most parents, my wife and I feel strongly about giving our kids the best. We feel so strongly about safe and healthy foods that our teen-aged son, David, and I will run across America in 2014 to promote seed freedom, GMO labeling, and a healthy food supply.
We can’t and we wouldn’t want to do it on our own. We’re counting on people like you to join our mission.
If you oppose Monsanto and gangs’ products, poisons, and lies, order a copy of We’re Monsanto today. If you like it, write a review on Amazon. Your review will inspire others to buy We’re Monsanto. Every book purchased will spread the word about the dangerous practices of the chemical/biotech industry. Every purchase will also help us run across America.

The print edition is priced at $17.95. I am offering a $5 discount if you commit to provide a review on Amazon. Buy We’re Monsanto now at the reviewers’ price at https://www.createspace.com/4426100.
Use this discount code to get your $5 discount: C6RTQC2Y.
Buy the Kindle version at http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00FDWQ4GO/wilcwork-20 for $9.99.

Whether you buy the Kindle or the print edition, my family and I deeply appreciate your support!
We’re running the country to stop Monsanto from running the country. Join us! Buy We’re Monsanto now. Read it, pass it around, and review it!
I look forward to reading your review!
Brett Wilcox
P.S. Thanks to the many people who contributed photos and expertise to We’re Monsanto!
P.P.S. For more information about our run, check out http://www.RunningTheCountry.com.

**Note: The Kindle version includes full color photos and illustrations. The print version is black and white.