Running For a GMO Free USA Route

Where exactly does one (or two, in our case) run when Running For a GMO Free USA?

Exactly? We have no idea.

Approximately? Thanks to Google Maps and a few suggestions from knowledgeable friends, we’ve come up with a solid projected route. (Click on this link to see the route exactly as we see it on Google Maps, complete with different views and photos along the way.)

Run Route

We’ll meet at Huntington Beach Pier on January 18th at 11 am. We’ll run the Santa Ana River trail for some 23 miles. A few of the major stops between the West and the East coast include: Corona CA, Yucca Valley CA, Flagstaff AZ, Albuquerque NM, Amarillo TX, Lake Meredith TZ, Borger TX, Wichita KS, Mansfield MO (the home of Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, the seed company that is graciously supplying us with seed packets labeled “GMO Free USA”), St. Louis MO (the home of Monsanto, the chemical company that is not so graciously supplying our food with unwanted genetic pollution and toxic chemicals), Springfield IL, Indianapolis IN, Columbus OH, Washington DC, Philadelphia PA, and Atlantic City NJ.

Kris, Olivia, David, Angel and I are flying to Salt Lake City on January 8th where we will prepare for our run. Our two biggest purchases will include a truck and trailer. *We will gratefully accept a suitable donated or loaned truck and/or trailer.* We are also looking for a jogging stroller that we can covert into a dog/Seed Stroller. (At the age of 14, Angel is too old to run with us anymore.)

We will then leave for Huntington Beach on about January 14th. (We are open to GMO Free events in Salt Lake City, Saint George, Las Vegas, and the LA area.)

We plan on running an average of about 18 miles per day, six days per week, reaching the Atlantic Ocean near the end of July. We are truly a Mom and Pop and family operation. If you want to visit or run with us, we’re going to put you to work. The short list of your potential duties includes: PR, fundraiser, logistics, school teacher, shopper, massage therapist, marital and family counselor, storyteller, clothes and dish washer, cleaner, vegetarian chef extraordinaire, mechanic, coach, cheerleader, doctor, nurse, dog groomer, photographer, editor, interviewer, interviewee, blogger, tweeter, giver and receiver of hugs, musician, poet, singer, dancer, and of course, fun-loving friend.

We plan on parking the trailer in one location for two or three or four nights at a time, leaving us free to travel away from the run route as needed.

Because we’re Running For a GMO Free USA, we are actively seeking opportunities to coordinate and schedule events with local GMO Free folks. Some possibilities include: seed swaps and presentations at book stores, schools, churches, libraries, book clubs, etc., potlucks, fundraisers, hikes, group runs, planting, weeding, watering, mucking, harvesting, swimming, and family-friendly partying, etc.

And of course we want to meet with farmers and record their experiences and various stories. If you’re a farmer and you think Roundup is the greatest thing since genetically modified apple pie, we want to meet with you. If your farming operation has been hurt by patented GMOs, lawsuits, and chemical-based agribusiness, we want to meet with you as well.

If you want to stage an event within driving distance of our run route, please give us a call. Kris’ cell phone is our main contact number: 907-752-0447. We’ll do whatever we can to help make it happen.

We’d love to leave several copies of my book, We’re Monsanto: Feeding the World, Lie After Lie, at every event and in every bookstore along the way. Books can be purchased directly from us or, if you’d prefer, you can buy the paperback or electronic version at Amazon or the paperback from Barnes & Noble.

We welcome and are actively seeking media and big-name interviews. (Yes, this includes you, Oprah!)

Our on-line fundraising campaign runs through the end of January. To date, more than 6,400 people have “liked” our campaign page, that’s tons more than any of the other popular Indiegogo Health related campaigns. As much as we love the “likes,” we still need A TON MORE MONEY to help us cover the costs of this run. If you’ve already contributed, WE THANK YOU!!! If you haven’t yet contributed, NOW IS THE TIME!!! If you can contribute $10, please do so. If you can contribute $100, $1000, or $10,000, please do so. Yes, our family-based USA run is a cool thing, but our cause and mission goes way beyond cool! When you donate, you’re donating to protect honeybees, monarch butterflies, song birds, living soil, clean air and water. You’re donating to protect the health and future of our children and life on this planet. THIS IS A VERY BIG DEAL!!! DONATE NOW!!!

The tide is turning! People are waking up, but there’s still so much to do! Let’s make 2014 a year a truth and a year of victories. Let’s run together for a GMO Free USA and world!

17 Replies to “Running For a GMO Free USA Route”

  1. Your life would be so much easier if you put the effort into understanding the issue that you are putting into running cross country. What a waste. At least it will be a cool experience.

    1. Marc, Your comment suggests that all people who have “put the effort into understanding the issue” agree with you and your position. Of course hundreds of scientists have dedicated their careers to understanding the issue and they don’t agree with you. Regardless, as I wrote in the blog, we want to interview all interested parties, regardless of their position. Yes, it will be a cool experience and if we succeed in limiting biotech abuses, everyone’s lives with be blessed . . . including yours.

  2. I am pleased that you will be in Wichita. Your statement, “If you’re a farmer and you think Roundup is the greatest thing since genetically modified apple pie, we want to meet with you.” will have lots of opportunities for application. Starting from my neighbor’s corn field across the street, to hundreds of others across the county, farmers are focused on sustainable, profitable operations. They are grateful for alternatives to the old practices of massive pesticide application. Many are personally familiar with prior uses of harsh chemicals, and they much prefer working with such low-toxicity pesticides as glyphosate.

    While you are visiting, I would be pleased to introduce you to some of Wichita’s fine neighborhood restaurants, such as Paleteria La Reyna, just down the street.

    1. Jim, Thanks for your response and invitation. Please private message me your name and contact info so I can call you when we’re approaching Wichita. Look forward to meeting with you and friends.

    2. Jim, First off, Glyphosate is not a low toxicity pesticide, it affects pollinators and mammals as well. It is implicated in the die off of monarch butterflies and if you want to see a good study, beekeeper Terrence Ingram has been conducting one for over 15 years. Mr. Ingram had his life’s work on this confiscated by the state of Illinois when they thought things were getting too deep and implicating Roundup in the death of honeybees. As you know, without honeybees, no food.
      Also, the best low toxicity is to farm organically. Find Joel Salatin and give him a call, I am sure he would love to chat about he made it not only work, but is farming exclusively without the use of gmo or toxic chemicals and THRIVING.

  3. Wow! I wish you were looping through Nebraska, South Dakota, and Iowa! Is there anyway to get you up in these parts? Omaha, Sioux City, Sioux Falls, Des Moines…

  4. Would live to see you in Arkansas but I understand you cannot run everywhere. Have you contacted Dr. Mercola? He is in total support of getting rid of GMOs. Check him out at He has donated in the past to fight Monsonto and for GMO labeling. I’m pretty sure he’d support you and I think he lives in IL. At the very least, I think he’d advertise for you! God bless you all for doing this!

  5. Email me when you decide and I’ll start putting together some folks and notifying some groups. I’m assuming you’re going to be documenting the run and events… let me know how to get a copy as well. That way if you can’t get through here at least we could do a showing to raise awareness of the issue.

  6. Hello! I’ve been wanting to do this very same thing for the last 6 months.
    I am so happy that some one like you can put this together.
    I want to run with you. I see you have a $150 contribution option to
    do so. I am in Pittsburgh, PA. When and how would I know if Pittsburgh
    is on your route to DC?

  7. Hello! I’ve been wanting to do this very same thing for the last 6 months.
    I am so happy that some one like you can put this together.
    I want to run with you. I see you have a $150 contribution option to
    do so. I am in Pittsburgh, PA. When and how would I know if Pittsburgh
    is on your route to DC?

  8. Hi there,

    As a Health Coach and high school cross country runner, I am SO impressed and awed at this endeavor!
    I will be following your progress! Brava!

    Wishing you much success, an abundance of shea butter and leg massages,
    Allison Samon, CHHC

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