The global healthcare system cabal is run by criminals and those who work in the healthcare system are, at the highest levels, employed by criminals. Profit is the name of the game, not health.
In the USA, medical care is ranked as the third leading cause of death, behind heart disease and cancer. Inasmuch as inept and corrupt healthcare systems either cause or contribute to both heart disease and cancer, I would argue that healthcare is the leading cause of death.
Working in the healthcare system is easy, you just have to trash your ethics, keep your mouth shut, and sell your soul to the devil. Those who refuse are written up, sanctioned, and eventually fired. If you make too much noise, you’re suicided.
For the past five years, I attempted to hang onto my soul as a healthcare employee while also protecting my family and 7.6 billion siblings from one of the most absurd medical practices: repeatedly injecting both healthy and unhealthy infants, toddlers, children, the aged and everyone else with toxic substances brought to market via fraud and corruption, a practice otherwise known as vaccination.
Thanks to trillion-dollar propaganda campaigns, vaccination and vaccines may be two of the most powerful words in written and spoken language. They rival in power the words God, Savior, salvation, and miracle. Seeing, reading, hearing, or saying these words induces a hypnotic trance in virtually all people. In their hypnotic state, a witch’s brew of injected metals, toxins, contaminants, and bits of human and animal remains magically transform into talismans of health and protection from evil.
How I despise those words!
In 2014, Kris and I quit our jobs to support our 15-year old son, David, in his goal to run across the USA. To give our run greater purpose, I wrote and published my first book, We’re Monsanto: Feeding the World, Lie After Lie.

Over the course of nearly 3,000 miles, we passed out thousands of organic seed packets labeled “GMO Free USA” and talked about the dangers of agrochemical-based food production.

We arrived just in time, on foot, of course, to speak at the March Against Monsanto in Saint Louis, Missouri, Monsanto’s headquarters.

We finished our six-month run in Ocean City, New Jersey, on our 25th wedding anniversary.

We are forever grateful to countless people who contributed to our run emotionally, physically, and monetarily. We could not have shared our message as effectively without them!
While on our run we met several parents of autistic children. Many of them told us with stark clarity that their children were developing normally until they were poisoned from vaccines. That piqued my interest. Was the vaccine industry just as dangerous and corrupt as industrial agriculture?
In August 2014, three important things happened:
- Kris and I were about to become grandparents,
- I returned to the job I had left, at the same healthcare organization, but with a new mandatory flu vaccine policy, and
- William Thompson—the senior scientist now known as the CDC whistleblower—announced that he and his colleagues had discovered and destroyed their own data which suggested a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

I told HR that I would not submit to a dangerous pharmaceutical product manufactured by fraudsters. In essence, I said, “It’s against my religion to do business with criminals.” They provided a religious exemption with the caveat that I was to wear a worthless mask of shame during the flu jab season to protect other people from an infection I didn’t have.
I am ashamed to confess that I occasionally donned the mask to keep my job. In the fall of 2018, I said never again.
Between August 2014 and April 2020, I published my second book, We’re Monsanto: Still Feeding the World, Lie After Lie

and then published my third book, JABBED: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment, and Government Stick It to You and Your Family.

I continued blogging and giving presentations on corruption in the vaccine industry.
Kris and I also started an ecommerce business as an alternate source of income because I knew my work on vaccine industry corruption would eventually result in my termination.

On March 15, 2020, I posted my COVID-19 and COVID-19 Psyops blog. Community members complained to my employer. On April 1st, I posted The Cure, a blog that in hindsight predicted my own firing:
“We’ve been taught to fear and hate our own species. If Hitler had accomplished the same, Germans would have shipped their own mothers, fathers, children, grandchildren, and themselves to concentration camps for extermination. The papers that Nazi punks demanded from terrified citizens will soon be digitally embedded in the skin of our children, grandchildren, and ourselves, compliments of Bill Gates and others of his ilk. As that day approaches, the same kind of people who ratted out the resistance in Nazi Germany will be on hand to rat out the resistance in the developing 1984 dystopian world.”
The next day I was fired, for which I am both sad and grateful. I will always cherish my dear clients and co-workers and my heart goes out to those who remain “trapped in a dysfunctional, demoralizing, damaging, and dangerous system where they are permitted to do only as their pharma masters dictate.”
I pray for and honor the professionals who do their best to serve their patients in such difficult circumstances, made all the more difficult and dangerous due to the current pandemic.
And, for better or for worse, I am FREE AT LAST!
I’m also twice unemployed. For several years, our family has put our heart and soul into our family business. But like so many others, we are victims of the planned and purposeful destruction of the global economy.

Our brick and mortar store in downtown Sitka would have met our needs, had the tourism industry not been severely disrupted. And if a rich computer salesman and his sociopathic friends have their way, most small businesses may never recover.

If you appreciate the work I do, either by exposing corruption in industry and government or by celebrating nature with the artwork I create, I invite you to show that appreciation by visiting our online store and making a purchase. We carry leggings, jackets, hoodies, jewelry, bags, and more, all honoring the beauty and majesty of this blue marble we call home. We built our store on the principles of accountability, reliability, satisfaction, honesty and value. I can make custom designs as well. If you’d rather not purchase anything, consider getting (and not using) a gift card from $25 to $1000.
The more people who enjoy our products, the more my time will be freed up to do what I truly love: to inform, protect, and prevent further injury and loss of life caused by unscrupulous people and their fraudulent, toxic and liability-free concoctions. I’m honored to do this work and pray I will be blessed with the ability to do so for many years to come.
With much love,
Brett Wilcox
Brett Wilcox is a Licensed Professional Counselor, artist, and author of three books: