On March 1st, 2015, I sent a letter to the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints regarding the Church’s position on vaccination. I posted the same letter as a blog. That post was by far my most widely read and shared blog post. It has more than 500 comments to date.
Posting my letter online connected me with like-minded people and led to a series of events resulting in the publication of my book JABBED: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment, and Government Stick It to You and Your Family. My letter, my book, and my association with other vaccine informed people has undoubtedly saved numerous individuals from the modern-day plague of vaccination.
I doubt, however, that it had any effect upon vaccine-related Church policy. The Church did not respond to my letter.
Since 2015, the vaccine paradigm and program have grown even more rapacious. While the LDS Church public relations department informs individuals that the Church has no official position on vaccination or vaccine-related legislation, it continues to fund international vaccination initiatives and it also requires foreign-bound missionaries to submit to a barrage of vaccinations, which sometimes results in serious adverse events including death. With few exceptions, these vaccinations are not required for entry in the countries where missionaries serve. These facts speak far more loudly than one-on-one conversations from the Church’s public relations department.
I feel compelled to write a second letter to the Church regarding these issues. If you also feel compelled to address vaccination issues with your clergy or faith community, I invite you to do so.
I will post and mail my letter to LDS Church headquarters on March 21, 2019. March 21st happens to be the first full day of Spring as well as my birthday. I can think of no finer birthday present than knowing that people of faith are bringing this important issue to the attention of their faith community.
If you’re wondering what to write about, seek inspiration on the matter and trust that you’ll convey the message that God would have you convey.
If you post your letter online, please be sure to share the link as a comment to this blog or as a comment on my forthcoming letter to the LDS Church.
If you don’t have a blog, contact me if you’d like to consider having your letter posted on my blog.
May many minds and hearts be opened.
Brett Wilcox