GMO Free Thanks to the Good People of Illinois

I will remember Illinois not so much as the land of Lincoln, but as the land of GMO corn, soybeans, and kind people. Thanks to a few of those good people, we didn’t have to pay to park our RV even once in the nine or so days it took us to cross the state. And we’ll be forever grateful for the free chiropractic care and generous donation from Dr. David Thayer in Effingham.



One particular morning on the road remains in my memory if not in the back of my throat. The farmlands David and I passed were still wet with the previous day’s rain. We pressed through the hot and muggy air. I told David that the air was so thick and wet I felt like I was swimming and breathing under water. The water from the corn and soy fields evaporated and with it David and I inhaled the smell of chemicals the farmers had sprayed on their farmlands, acre after acre and mile after mile.



At one point, we found ourselves downwind from a gigantic tractor/sprayer that was poised to start spraying at the edge of his cornfield bordering the road. David ran ahead to keep himself from being poisoned. I stayed behind to capture the scene on video, careful to avoid the spray carried across the road by the wind.



I realize that farmers spraying their fields is an every day occurrence in our chemical intensive, GMO-based agricultural system, but I was left horrified thinking about the millions of tons of chemical poisons being sprayed across the USA and around the world. Horrified thinking about the children who grow up breathing poisoned air, playing in poisoned fields, and eating poisoned agribusiness commodity crops.



We know now through blood, urine, and even breast milk testing that glyphosate accumulates in our bodies. With the help of Kris and Olivia, David and I are running across the USA to promote healthy lifestyles and living, yet here we are breathing and accumulating poisons.


Sometimes I wonder who it was that first thought of spraying poison on our food. And who was it that first thought that eating poisoned food was a good idea? How is it that something so outrageous became the norm?


I believe the answer lies in the fact that we consumers aren’t spraying our own food. We leave that nasty job to folks in far away farms and countries, unaware that those poisons slowly injure and kill farmers, the soil, and our families. And many of us still believe that government regulations protect us from poisons, not realizing that the regulations exist primarily to protect chemical companies and their profits.


Have you ever seen a food label warning you of the poison residues remaining on and beneath the surface of the foods you’re purchasing? No. Such labels would most certainly cut into profits.


After seeing countless GMO corn and soy fields lining the roads, I began to wonder whether flesh and blood organic farmers actually exist in Illinois or anywhere else. Gratefully, thanks to Kris’ creative calling, we discovered that they do. Duane Baker with the Midwest Farmers Organic Cooperative has been farming for 51 years. We had the privilege of talking with Duane and his farmer friend, David Bright. We recorded a good share of our conversations on two different occasions and will undoubtedly include some of the footage in our post-run documentary.


It’s easy for non-farmers like me to identify the problems associated with a food system that’s run by chemical companies. Farmers like Duane and David go beyond identifying the problems; they’re doing their best to live the solutions, providing people with high quality, poison-free food.


They also provided me with a greater sense of hope. Farmers don’t have to remain as serfs or slaves to their chemical company masters. They can escape and they can return to their work of growing and nurturing healthy soil so the soil can produce healthy feed and food.


Thank you, Duane and David! And thanks to all the other good people of Illinois who took such good care of us as we passed through your beautiful state!


Organic blessings to all of you!








Brett Wilcox is the author of We’re Monsanto: Feeding the World, Lie After Lie. Brett and his 15-year old son, David, are currently running from coast to America coast promoting a GMO-Free USA. Brett and David blog at Brett wrote this blog in a laundromat in Terra Haute, Indiana. Support their run and mission at

GMO Free Highlights From Highland, Illinois

We enjoyed a full day of support and love from the good people of Highland, Illinois!


Before we even hit the road, the director of the Korte Recreation Center, Mark, had contacted Curt from the Highland News Leader newspaper.


We shared our story with Curt in front of the Rec Center under a hot sun and muggy conditions. Curt is the lucky man that Kris is apparently goosing in the photo. 😉


Later when running, the three different rainstorms that dumped on us were most refreshing. (Our Garmin watch died in the second storm, but later revived and with the use of Google Maps, I was able to calculate the complete distance on today’s run).

Unfortunately, David continues to be in pain. I called Kris and asked her to find a chiropractor. By 4:15 pm, we were sitting in Dr. David Thayer‘s office filling out paperwork.


Dr. Thayer said that David’s back and pelvis were misaligned. Treatment? Dr. Thayer and his colleague then gave David an adjustment, electro stimulation massage, ultrasound, and a “buffer” massage.


While talking, Dr. Thayer learned of our GMO Free USA mission. He said, “We’ll donate to that.” He left with a copy of my book and we left with a very generous donation! We’re going to follow up with another appointment with Dr. Thayer on Monday morning.


After that, we went to the Highland Nutrition Health Food store.


Among other things, we finally found organic bread. It’s so frustrating that in the heart of America’s bread basket, many people have no access to GMO free/Glyphosate free/Monsanto free bread! Kris asked if the store would be interested in carrying my book.


Vickie, the book buyer, bought two copies, paying much more than the standard amount. She also gave us a discount on our purchase.

Later, when I entered the Rec Center to sit in the hot tub (I was chilled after being in wet clothes in two air conditioned buildings), Carol at the front desk gave me a note from Mark stating that another newspaper reporter, Bill Napper, from The Pioneer Newspaper, wanted to interview us.


I called him and we talked together in front of the Rec Center later in the evening. He was very personable, sharing stories from his own life about his religious beliefs and convictions, including the belief that God would definitely be opposed to GMOs.

Please keep David in your thoughts and prayers. He wants to finish this run and we all want him to finish strong!

Brett Wilcox is the author of We’re Monsanto: Feeding the World, Lie After Lie. Brett and his 15-year old son, David, are currently running from coast to America coast promoting a GMO-Free USA. Brett and David blog at Brett wrote this blog in the middle of night in Highland, Illinois. Support their run and mission at

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