David and I ran past several empty GMO corn and soy bags along the side of the road in Illinois. As a non-farming Alaskan, I found the text on the bags to be fascinating. Fascinating, I suppose, because I still hold the quaint idea that seeds and life belong to God or Nature, and that we humans have the sacred opportunity to care for seeds and life as part of our stewardship on the Earth.
Silly me! Corporate overlords and attorneys own, bastardize, and license seeds for farmers’ one time use. Just make sure you don’t touch the seeds. They’re covered in poison. Later, they’ll be poisoned again with Roundup. Hello sterile fields. Good-bye bees, good-bye monarchs, good-bye seed freedom and seed sovereignty.
Others have already noted that GMOs are worse than chemical pollution. Chemical pollution dissipates over time. GMOs propagate and contaminate. They contaminate other crops, they contaminate weeds, they contaminate soil organisms, and they contaminate your gut bacteria and health. The potential to pollute and contaminate spreads every time the wind blows and every time an insect plays in their pollen. They are the gift that keeps on giving . . . long after you and everyone else has said no their presence on the Earth.
Of course, GMOs and their attendant poisons are both: the GMOs are biological trash and their attendant poisons are chemical trash. Two for one. What a deal!
Labeling GMOs is a fine first step, but it’s only a first step. As brilliant as Mother Nature is, She can’t read labels. Bees can’t read labels. Contamination is inevitable. Co-existence is a lie.
How many more years will pass before we rid the Earth of GMO trash? How many more years will pass before we no longer have the option?
Say no to GMOs in the grocery store. Say no to GMO fed meat and dairy, say no to GMO processed foods, say no to GMO junk foods and desserts. If that’s hard for you, just think of it the way many free animals think of it: Eat food. GMOs aren’t food. Period.
Organic blessings to you!
Brett Wilcox is the author of We’re Monsanto: Feeding the World, Lie After Lie. Brett and his 15-year old son, David, are currently running from coast to America coast promoting a GMO-Free USA. Brett and David blog at RunningTheCountry.com. Brett wrote this blog in Dunreith, Indiana. Support their run and mission at RunningTheCountry.com/donate.