Say No To GMO Trash

David and I ran past several empty GMO corn and soy bags along the side of the road in Illinois. As a non-farming Alaskan, I found the text on the bags to be fascinating. Fascinating, I suppose, because I still hold the quaint idea that seeds and life belong to God or Nature, and that we humans have the sacred opportunity to care for seeds and life as part of our stewardship on the Earth.


Silly me! Corporate overlords and attorneys own, bastardize, and license seeds for farmers’ one time use. Just make sure you don’t touch the seeds. They’re covered in poison. Later, they’ll be poisoned again with Roundup. Hello sterile fields. Good-bye bees, good-bye monarchs, good-bye seed freedom and seed sovereignty.


Others have already noted that GMOs are worse than chemical pollution. Chemical pollution dissipates over time. GMOs propagate and contaminate. They contaminate other crops, they contaminate weeds, they contaminate soil organisms, and they contaminate your gut bacteria and health. The potential to pollute and contaminate spreads every time the wind blows and every time an insect plays in their pollen. They are the gift that keeps on giving . . . long after you and everyone else has said no their presence on the Earth.


Of course, GMOs and their attendant poisons are both: the GMOs are biological trash and their attendant poisons are chemical trash. Two for one. What a deal!


Labeling GMOs is a fine first step, but it’s only a first step. As brilliant as Mother Nature is, She can’t read labels. Bees can’t read labels. Contamination is inevitable. Co-existence is a lie.


How many more years will pass before we rid the Earth of GMO trash? How many more years will pass before we no longer have the option?


Say no to GMOs in the grocery store. Say no to GMO fed meat and dairy, say no to GMO processed foods, say no to GMO junk foods and desserts. If that’s hard for you, just think of it the way many free animals think of it: Eat food. GMOs aren’t food. Period.


Organic blessings to you!



























Brett Wilcox is the author of We’re Monsanto: Feeding the World, Lie After Lie. Brett and his 15-year old son, David, are currently running from coast to America coast promoting a GMO-Free USA. Brett and David blog at Brett wrote this blog in Dunreith, Indiana. Support their run and mission at

Vandana Shiva’s Message for the March against Monsanto


Vandana Shiva

Media Release
“I send greetings of solidarity for all the people gathered for the March against Monsanto.

Marching against Monsanto is marching for freedom and democracy, for health and safety, for seed and biodiversity.

People often ask me “Why Monsanto”?
My response is, we did not choose to target Monsanto, Monsanto chose to target our seed and food freedom, our scientific and democratic institutions, our very lives.

Monsanto has admitted it wrote the intellectual property treaty of WTO that allows seeds to be redefined as Monsanto’s intellectual property. And it is through patents that Monsanto, a poison maker, has become a seed giant, with the largest share in control over the seed market. In India it controls 95% of the cotton seed market, and the extraction of superprofits through royalties has trapped our small farmers in unpayable debt. 284,000 farmers have committed suicide in India because of debt linked to seed and chemicals.

Corporations like Monsanto were behind the EC Seed law that would have made diversity and seed saving illegal in Europe. The last parliament sent back the law to the European commission. We must ensure that the new parliament does not pass the law.

In the US, Monsanto used its money to undermine the Right of US citizens to Know what they eat. It is threatening the State of Vermont because it got a labelling law in place. And it now has introduced a bill in Congress called called The Safe and Accurate Food Labelling Act which has earned itself the name the Dark (Deny Americans the Right to Know) Act.

This is an assault on Democracy and people’s freedom.
While Monsanto announces that it is retreating from Europe, it is pushing GMOs on the Eastern European countries. And is pushing new trade treaties like TIPP, to undermine Europe’s largely GMO free status, and to get stronger IPR rights on seed.

Monsanto have claimed more than 1500 climate resilient patents, and are hoping to use the climate crisis to make even bigger profits. And recently Monsanto took over Climate Corporation, to control climate and weather data, and commodify it.
Monsanto wants superprofits through total control over nature and humanity.

We seek Seed Freedom, Food Freedom, and Earth Democracy, where all beings on the planet are free and the well being of all is protected, through sharing and caring, through love and compassion, through creating abundance for all.
The greed and violence of one corporation cannot be allowed to destroy life on Earth, the lives of our farmers, the lives of our children.

That is why we March Against Monsanto”

Dr. Vandana Shiva

More information:
May 24, 2014 ‘March Against Monsanto’ planned for over 50 countries

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