Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
President Russell M. Nelson MD
47 East South Temple Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150-1200
President Nelson,
I am writing this letter seeking clarification of the official position of the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on the issue of vaccination. I am not an LDS member, but as a Christian and person of conscience, I have become increasingly alarmed by the current, dark agenda to forcefully push vaccine mandates. I am heartened that many LDS members, including some of my personal friends, share my genuine concern.
Recently, the vaccine issue has literally exploded in the public’s awareness. Mainstream media outlets have provided heavy coverage of an alleged measles epidemic. This was quickly followed by proposed legislation in many states which seeks to eliminate all vaccine exemptions, including religious exemptions. Even the US Congress has conducted hearings on the issue. We the People have grown wise to the tyranny and corruption inherent in many levels of our government, the mainstream media, and the pharmaceutical industry. This level of expediency and coordination was undoubtedly planned and agreed upon in advance. The phony panic and false sense of urgency, demonstrated by those pushing vaccine mandates, is mostly driven by fear of a mass public awakening to the inherent dangers and evil of vaccinations.
Vaccines are not safe. Any ethical and rational person, who actually researches this issue with an open and honest heart, will certainly come to this conclusion. Payouts for vaccine injuries by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) exceed $4 billion, even though approximately 75% of claims are denied compensation. Victims of vaccine damage must seek compensation through this taxpayer funded, special Court, since pharmaceutical companies have unethically manipulated and lobbied corrupt politicians to waive any liability these companies may justifiably incur from damage caused by their products. Thousands of devastated parents have witnessed in horror the immediate onset of autism in their children following immunization. A multitude of heavily conflicted studies, funded by the pharmaceutical industry, claim there is no connection between vaccinations and autism. These studies are conducted by the same industry which has been repeatedly exposed in criminal misconduct and profits enormously from vaccination. Ethical science is based on the scientific method which is based on observation. How can we continue to ignore the agonizing testimony of our fellow human beings?
Furthermore, the destruction of life and health is grossly understated since the vast majority of vaccine injuries are never recognized. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has admitted that as few as 1% of adverse vaccine events are reported, while the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has suggested a slightly higher figure of 10%. Most do not realize the connection between vaccines and injury because, given the nature of vaccination, it is generally difficult to make definite conclusions about cause and effect. This allows unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies, doctors and politicians to hide behind the dishonest concept of “plausible deniability”. They deny knowledge and responsibility for their damnable acts because of seeming lack of evidence. However, they are not vindicated because obviously, injecting known toxins such as mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde into human beings will inevitably cause severe damage to health. Those who do not understand the connection between vaccines and injury, and speak out, encounter extreme prejudice and a stone wall of denial from doctors, politicians and even their own family members. Millions of unsuspecting people, including my own family and friends, have been permanently injured, or even killed, by vaccinations.
Vaccines are not effective. Any immunity obtained through vaccination is only temporary and must be supplemented by an ongoing series of booster shots, while natural infection creates genuine, lifelong immunity. Outbreaks of childhood illness in the US have often occurred within fully vaccinated populations, including the recent measles outbreaks which have caused such unwarranted hysteria. Many are infected with measles and mumps as children although they are fully vaccinated against these illnesses. It is also common to observe children vaccinated for chickenpox subsequently develop chicken pox or shingles. A study published in the British Medical Journal in 2006 demonstrated that 86% of those who develop Whooping Cough during a 3.5 year period in the UK were fully vaccinated. The CDC has determined that efficacy rates of the influenza vaccine for the past two seasons to be 40%. Flu shot efficacy has been as low as 10% in past years why are influenza vaccines continuously advertised as helpful when the efficacy rate is so low? Proper nutrition, adequate rest and moderate exercise are the absolute best remedies against the flu. Our personal endowment of God-given immunity will always be far superior to the crude, profit-driven, interventions of science.
Immunization does not deserve credit for eradication of disease, since the main factor responsible for disease decline was improved hygiene, especially clean drinking water, and better living conditions for most people in modern times. Mortality statistics reveal that childhood illnesses were virtually eliminated prior to the introduction of vaccines. Generally, death rates had already declined by 80% or more. We often hear the false claim that vaccines eradicated smallpox and polio. A careful examination of the history of these diseases reveals a heartbreaking story of death and destruction by vaccinations.
Many vaccines are made using aborted fetal tissue. This is an abomination in itself, especially when we consider that through vaccines, fragments of this fetal tissue and foreign DNA will be injected into the bloodstream of other children. This falsely justifies the hideous practice of abortion, and could also definitely be a prime cause for the cancer, autoimmune, and gender dysphoria epidemics we are witnessing. What are the spiritual implications of injecting fragments of aborted children into healthy, living children? This cannot be God’s will. “When we understand our nature and our purpose on earth and that our bodies are physical temples of God, we will realize that it is sacrilege to let anything enter that might defile the body.”
I am attaching three letters (here, here, and here) and an article written by Brett Wilcox, an LDS member (here), as well as a response letter by Elder Weatherford Clayton (here). The letters were previously sent to the First Presidency of the Church. Mr. Wilcox has done an outstanding job researching and documenting many ethical and scientific premises of the vaccine issue. I could spend an enormous amount of time and not do as well. The list of references attached to his letters is also an excellent source for anybody who sincerely wishes to research the vaccine issue in more depth. I also recommend the work of Dr. Suzanne Humphries, Robert F Kennedy Jr., Del Bigtree, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, Dr. Russell Blaylock, and Dr. Joseph Mercola. Science does not support the claims of those pushing vaccine mandates.
Our fundamental rights as human beings come directly from God, not from the dictates of law. Ideally, the laws of man are just and mirror the Divine Law. However, if a law is unjust, then we are compelled as moral beings to disobey. How can an unholy alliance of big government and pharmaceutical companies dictate to us what medicines that we and our children must take? Clearly, they cannot legitimately do that and given the actual facts of this issue, it is pure evil to even attempt it. We as Christians, and people of good will, must never consent to forced vaccinations on medical procedures from corrupt and tyrannical powers within government and industry. “If any of you lack wisdom let, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” (James 1:5)
Understandably, many remain confused about this issue due to the endless barrage of misinformation and outright lies coming from political, media, industry, and even religious sources. Vaccination is arguably the largest and most tragic medical scandal in human history. It is time that we collectively go off script and blow the scandal wide open.
Please clarify for me and millions of other concerned persons the official position of the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints on the vaccination issue.
Thank you for your consideration.
Respectfully and Sincerely,
Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when you shall see these things come among you that you shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of the secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who build It up.
CC: President Dallin H. Oaks, JD
President Henry B. Eyring, PhD
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Presidency of the Seventy
Presiding Bishopric
Relief Society General Presidency
Young Women General Presidency
Primary General Presidency
Sunday School General Presidency
Young Men General Presidency
Elder Weatherford Clayton
Brother Brett Wilcox
Friends General Conference
Independent Baptist Fellowship of North America
Lutheran Office for World Community
Mennonite Church USA
National Association of Evangelicals
National Baptist Convention USA
Orthodox Church in America
Presbyterian Church in America
Rabbinical Council of America
The Anglican Church in America
The Archdiocese of Washington
The Episcopal Church
The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
United Methodist Communications
United Pentecostal Church International World Headquarters
The President of the United States
The Honorable Rand Paul, United States Senate
The Honorable Bill Posey, United States House of Representatives
Mr. Trey Gowdy, JD
Mr. Jason Chaffetz
Mr. Dan Burton
Suzanne Humphries, MD
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., JD
Del Bigtree, Founder Informed Consent Action Network
Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC Co-Founder and President
Links to Attachments:
Brett Wilcox Letter, March 1, 2015
Brett Wilcox Article, March 8, 2015
Brett Wilcox Letter, March 21, 2019
Elder Weatherford Clayton Response Letter, April 30, 2019
Brett Wilcox Letter, August 11, 2019