The Cure

A pandemic disease struck Germany hard in the 1930s and 40s. Prominent symptoms included fear, anxiety, hatred, hysteria, the delusion of racial superiority, and the belief that Jews and others were risks to public safety. Germans of Aryan descent practiced social distancing, isolation, and quarantine to protect themselves from their Jewish neighbors. Eventually, infected souls shipped millions of Jews to concentration camps where German “scientists” and “doctors” performed experiments, tortured, and eventually killed some 6,000,000 Jews and others deemed dangerous to society.

The pandemic was eventually contained, and measures were put in place in Nuremburg to prevent similar outbreaks, but nature finds a way. Many of the most severely afflicted walked away from the trials, then spread their disease around the world. Some found employment as scientists and businesspeople in the USA. They were of special value to the pharmaceutical industry due to the knowledge they had acquired by experimenting on, torturing, poisoning and killing girls and boys, and women and men of all ages.[1]

The virus grew and infected medical schools where aspiring doctors were taught to dispense toxic substances with countless “side effects” rather than teach people how to achieve and maintain optimal health using natural, non-patentable products.[2]

The virus also multiplied in dark and fetid places such as the CDC—a cesspool of corruption—where afflicted members hid from Congress and US veterans and their suffering families the toxic effects of Monsanto’s Agent Orange.[3,4]

Later, these same individuals hid and lied about what tens of thousands of parents had already come to know: vaccines can and do cause autism as well as numerous other disabilities, diseases, dysfunction, pain, and death.[5-11]

The success of this virulent and mutating virus is found in its ability to delude the afflicted. Both infected Germans of the WWII era and infected medical professionals justify injury and killing in the name of The Greater Good. But the power of the virus to induce delusion if not outright psychosis has multiplied over the decades. German “scientists” knew that they were injuring and killing people. Medical professionals, on the other hand, firmly believe that a host of toxic substances magically confers health when injected into pregnant women, infants, toddlers, the aged, and everyone else . . . the more the better.[12]

Countless numbers of professionals appear to be suffering from Vaccines are Safe and Effective Delusional Disorder. Symptoms of this disorder include:

  1. Irrational fear of disease coupled with the irrational belief that injected toxins improve health.
  2. Selective blindness manifested as the inability to see vaccine injury.
  3. Lack of empathy for parents of vaccine-injured children manifested by denial, denigration, hostility, and threats.

No one knows how many professionals have healed and gained immunity from this disorder. How they must suffer with the realization that they are trapped in a dysfunctional, demoralizing, damaging, and dangerous system where they are permitted to do only as their pharma masters dictate.[13]

The virus of WWII lacked the power to convince Jews that the experiments, abuse, torture, and killing was in their best interest. Since that time, the virus has achieved something extraordinary: the delusion of the victims themselves to believe that the fraudulent, for profit experimentation by vaccination in which they willingly participate is both good for them and their children, as well as good for society. Probably not since the times of ancient human sacrifice have parents willing sacrificed their children as they do now upon the altar of the pharmaceutical industry.

Over the years, a number of pandemics have come and gone. The media has responded as scripted, billions of dollars exchanged hands, but no great societal changes came to pass. That all changed with SARS-CoV-2 and the illness it causes, COVID-19.

In October, 2019 global pandemic planners met in New York and acted out their response in the event of a coronavirus outbreak.[14,15] Portraying the part of newscasters, actors described in frightening detail the effects of the lethal virus.  Participants received coronavirus plushies to commemorate their historic and timely dress rehearsal.[16]

Six weeks later, the curtains lifted to a sold-out coronavirus show in Wuhan, China, which has since spread around the world. Actors posing as “real” newscasters have performed their parts as assigned. Many reputable scientists believe that the reported case numbers and deaths are at best incorrect, and at worst, fabrications.[17] Tony Fauci, after helping to secure billions of dollars for industry and government with his doomsday predictions, wrote that “. . . the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza . . . .”[18]

Numerous sources document unreliable test results with both false positives and false negatives. And mortality figures simply can’t be trusted because the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) states that confirmed tests are not necessary to report COVID-19 as the cause of death on death certificates.

COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc. If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.[emphasis in original][19]

The government used this same cheap trick to exaggerate the case numbers and deaths allegedly caused by the 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic.[20] But even if taken at face value, the response to COVID-19 is grossly out of proportion to the response to any other pandemic in recent history.[21]

And compared to the ten leading causes of death in the USA, coronavirus is of little consequence coming in at less than two deaths per 100,000 people to date, many of whom were on death’s door before testing positive for coronavirus.

In other words, as Italian scientists have documented, nearly all who died, died with coronavirus, not because of coronavirus.[22-23]

It is obvious that the response to COVID-19 far exceeds the historical response to similar, if not worse, pandemics. One has to question why. The answers are not hidden. An MIT Review article outlined the goals in detail: increased surveillance and control, a crackdown on movement and the right to assemble, and forced liability-free vaccinations.[24-26]

Bill Gates confirmed the same in a digital interview on Reddit in March 2020 when he was asked, “How should we determine which businesses should stay open?” Gates responded, “The question of which businesses should keep going is tricky. Certainly food supply and the health system. We still need water, electricity and the internet. Supply chains for critical things need to be maintained. Countries are still figuring out what to keep running.

Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently, or when we have a vaccine, who has received it. [emphasis added][27]

Most people are familiar with Gates and his love affair with vaccines. Few know that The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was involved in unethical vaccine safety studies in India in which illiterate parents of girls were given a token sum in exchange for their thumbprint signature authorizing consent, having no idea to what they were consenting. Some girls were injured, others died as a result.[28]

Such behavior violates The Nuremberg Code, established in 1947 to prevent forced experimentation upon uninformed and unwilling participants.[29]

This tragedy from India is not an aberration from the norm. The act of vaccination is, in fact, a medical experiment conducted upon uninformed and often unwilling test subjects. How many subjects would participate if they were informed of the following facts?

  1. The government has declared vaccines to be “unavoidably unsafe.”[30]
  2. Vaccines contain ingredients defined and known to be toxic.[31]
  3. The vaccines given to pregnant women have never been tested on pregnant women prior to bringing them to market.[32]
  4. Vaccines are associated with more than 200 negative health outcomes.[33]
  5. The government has paid out more than $4 billion for thousands of vaccine injuries and deaths including autism.[34]
  6. An HHS-funded study concluded that fewer than 1% of vaccine injuries are reported.[35]
  7. Researchers intentionally injure, and sometimes kill, healthy children who would not have been injured or killed, had control group participants been given a legitimate inert placebo.[36,37]
  8. Vaccine manufacturers are protected from liability.[38]
  9. DHHS has utterly failed in its charge to monitor vaccine safety.[39]
  10. The CDC has repeatedly engaged in fraud to perpetuate the lie that vaccines don’t cause autism.[40-43]
  11. Before the “flu season” begins, the CDC provides news outlets with the “recipe” to increase public fear of the flu. Part of the “recipe” includes the following: “A perception or sense that many people are falling ill. A perception or sense that many people are experiencing bad illness. A perception or sense of vulnerability to contracting and experiencing bad illness.”[44]

12. Some people are more susceptible to vaccine injury than others for a variety of reasons, but vaccine injury is 100% because that’s what poisons do. The question is not if vaccines injure, it’s to what degree.

Denmark—a country that suffered greatly from Nazi fascism—was the first to mandate a non-existent liability-free coronavirus vaccine for its citizens, a vaccine that will likely not be tested on animals before it’s brought to market, a vaccine utilizing a novel genetic modification process. Refusers will forfeit their rights as Danish citizens.[45] The people of Denmark will serve as guinea pigs for the world. What could go wrong?

And the odious Nazi command, “Papers, please” has risen from the ashes of WWII as “Germany will issue coronavirus antibody certificates to allow quarantined to re-enter society.[46] Hitler must surely be smiling.

What won’t go down in history as a minor blip on the radar is the not yet acknowledged pandemic of vaccine injury. In the 1980s, children experienced chronic illness at a rate of 12.8%. Today, that rate has exploded to 54%.[47]


Why?  Several vaccinated vs unvaccinated studies provide the most likely answer.[48] German researchers compiled statistics from various studies and found that unvaccinated children suffer from far fewer disorders than their vaccinated peers as follows:

A study out of Salzburg, Austria, reported similar results:

In addition, a 1992 study out of New Zealand documented:

Christine Stabell Benn, medical doctor and professor in global health, stated in a 2019 TED Talk that she was surprised to learn that “Children who received DTP vaccine had five times higher risk of dying than those who didn’t. . . .  Intriguingly, the negative effects of DTP vaccine are strongest for girls and that’s a pattern we’ve seen for all the non-live vaccines. So, for all six non-live vaccines, we’ve seen that they have very strong negative non-specific effects in females, and we haven’t got a clue why yet.”[49]

Dr. Anthony Mawson conducted a pilot study of vaccinated and unvaccinated homeschool children. The results were “strong and consistent” suggesting “that multiple vaccinations (especially given at the same time or in close succession) may have a wide range of adverse health effects including allergies, infections, and neurodevelopmental disorders (eg, learning disabilities, ADHD, and autism).”

Inasmuch as the harmful effects of vaccination are most evident among the most heavily vaccinated, we would expect significant vaccine injury among the US military, and indeed such is the case. Mawson and others have documented similar injuries among both children and military personnel.[50]

Many soldiers suffering from Gulf War Syndrome never left the United States, but they were heavily vaccinated. Thus, Gulf War Syndrome should be added to the list of conditions that, in many cases, may well be vaccine induced, including SIDS, asthma, allergies, ADHD, eczema, autoimmunity disorders, neurological disorders, anxiety, depression, etc.

Contrary to the mainstream false narrative, better diagnosing did not create the pandemic decline in children’s health: environmental poisoning did, including the most intimate form of poisoning—vaccination.

The medical establishment claims to practice evidence based medicine, but based on the previous statistics and on the fact that medical professionals are censored and punished if they venture too far into the realm of natural promotion of health, the evidence would suggest that propaganda, profit, and edict have more to do with at least some of their cherished practices than does evidence.

It has long been recognized, and often decried, that vaccination compliance is inversely proportional to education and income. In other words, the more you know about vaccines, the less you vaccinate.[51] More than 70% of Congress refuse to answer the politically dangerous question, “Do you vaccinate your own kids?”[52]

A recent study confirms what vaccine informed parents know so well: The rate of autism is decreasing in upper-class white communities, the communities least likely to vaccinate.[53]

Researchers have found that “… prevalence among whites in the lowest income counties was at least double that of whites in the highest income counties. Generally speaking, the higher the county income, the lower the rate of autism among white children.” As would be expected, the rate of autism also continues to increase in lower class black and Hispanic communities.[54]

In summary, more than half of American children are suffering from a pandemic of chronic illness, disease, disability, pain, and reduced life expectancy, something we are told ad nauseam to celebrate. And while the actors who pass for newscasters lie about our chronically sick children, they also spew out lies written before COVID-19 had even made its appearance.

It is too early to predict how many people may eventually succumb to COVID-19, but no prediction is required to see that those who die serve a useful purpose to fear mongers who are restructuring society, starting in the way we interact with each other.

Hugs and kisses? Dangerous.

Holding hands? Dangerous.

Touching a doorknob, handrail or money? Dangerous.

Bumping into someone? Dangerous.

Coughing or sneezing? Dangerous.

Sitting next to each other at a concert or movie? Dangerous.  

Being present at your child’s birth or your mother’s death? Dangerous.

Staying home with family while sick? Dangerous.

We’ve been taught to fear and hate our own species. If Hitler had accomplished the same, Germans would have shipped their own mothers, fathers, children, grandchildren, and themselves to concentration camps for extermination. The papers that Nazi punks demanded from terrified citizens will soon be digitally embedded in the skin of our children, grandchildren, and ourselves, compliments of Bill Gates and others of his ilk.[55,56]

As that day approaches, the same kind of people who ratted out the resistance in Nazi Germany will be on hand to rat out the resistance in the developing 1984 dystopian world.

And we, ourselves, are to blame.

We are victims of our own gullibility, our own fear, and our resonance with hatred. We are in the process of surrendering our freedom to Big Brother—the family Sociopath—so he can tell us where and when we can travel, with whom we can meet and assemble, where we can shop, what we can read, what we should feel, think, and say.

This is our collective prayer:

“Oh, Big Brother, we ask you to fill our bellies with chemically and genetically poisoned food-like substances, fill our skies, soil, and lungs with toxic metals, quell our rage with fluoridated water, numb our feelings with pills, potions, and elixirs, bombard our organs and scramble our cells with electromagnetic frequencies, pollute our souls with injected fetal and animal remains, bastardize our DNA with next generation vaccines, teach us to fear and hate ourselves with propaganda and lies, entertain us with filth, steal our children’s minds and bodies, destroy our dignity with digital handouts, embed our skin with chips and trackers, surveil, bleed, detain, spray, inject, rob, corral, control, crowd, contain, cram, quarantine, fatten, thin, abort, dissect, harvest, sell, hypnotize, traumatize, terrorize, demoralize, sterilize, censor, silence, slaughter, and terminate us. We are your huddled masses, your wretched refuse, and your endless plague. In you, we trust.”

The vast majority of American colonists had little or nothing to do with the American revolution. They were busy planting, harvesting, hunting, building, and struggling. Staying alive was no easy task. And yet patriots rose up, fought, said no to tyranny, and enshrined individual liberty. They changed the course of history.

Likewise, staying alive today is no easy task. The face of tyranny has mutated and increased in virulence. Just as the first American revolution was fought and won by a small number of people, the second is being fought at this moment and will be won the same way because, in the end, righteousness always overcomes tyranny.

The cure for 1984 is still 1776.


[1] Annie Jacobsen, Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America, Little, Brown and Company, February 11, 2014,

[2] E. Richard Brown, Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, 1979, dp/0520042697/.

[3] “Robert F. Kennedy Jr., on Mercury in Vaccines,” New York Times, July 5, 2015,

[4] James Ottar Grundvig, Master Manipulator: The Explosive True Story of Fraud, Embezzlement, and Government Betrayal at the CDC, Skyhorse Publishing, 2016, Embezzlement-Government/dp/151070843X/.

 [5] ICAN, March 5, 2020,

[6] ICAN VS CDC, ICAN, March 5, 2020,


[8] William W. Thompson, PhD, August 27, 2014 Press Release, “Statement of William W. Thompson, PhD, Regarding the 2004 Article Examining the Possibility of a Relationship Between MMR Vaccine and Autism,” http:// the-2004-article-examining-the-possibility-of-a-relationship-between-mmr- vaccine-and-autism/.

[9] Kevin Barry, Esq., Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC, Skyhorse Publishing, 2015, pp. 65-66,

[10] VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe,

[11] “Scientific Review of Vaccine Safety Datalink Information,” Simpsonwood Retreat Center, Norcross, Georgia, June 7-8, 2000,

[12] “1200 Studies- Truth Will Prevail,” Wellnessdoc,

[13] Suzanne Humphries M.D, Rising From The Dead, 2016,

[14] Event 201,

[15] Mary Holland, What We Can Learn From A Pandemic “Tabletop Exercise”? Children’s Health Defense,

[16] James Corbett, Episode 373 – Medical Martial Law 2020, 3/21/2020,, min 33:00.

[17] “A Swiss Doctor on Covid-19,” updated daily since March 14th, 2020,

[18] Anthony S. Fauci, M.D et. al., “Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted,” NEJM, March 26, 2020,

[19] “COVID-19 Alert No. 2,” NVSS, March 24, 2020,

[20] SHARYL ATTKISSON, “Swine Flu Cases Overestimated?” CBS News, October 21, 2009,


[22] “Mortality in the United States, 2017,” CDC,

[23] Coronavirus: ISS, in Italy there are only two deaths ascertained so far due to Covid-19, Agenzia NOVA, March 13, 2020,

[24] Gideon Lichfield, We’re Not Going Back to Normal, MIT Technology Review,

[25] “We’re Living in 12 Monkeys,” Truthstream Media, March 24, 2020,

[26] “NYPD Releases Orwellian Video of Drones Spying on Citizens to Enforce Social Distancing,” Activist Post, March 27, 2020,

[27] Devin Coldewey, “Bill Gates addresses coronavirus fears and hopes in AMA,” Tech Crunch, March 18, 2020,

[28] KP Narayana Kumar, “Controversial vaccine studies: Why is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation under fire from critics in India?” Economic Times, August 31, 2014,

[29] Brought to Life, Nuremberg Code, Brought to Life,

[30] US supreme court ruled vaccines “unavoidably UNsafe” in 2011 . 1 Bruesewitz v. Wyeth LLC,”

[31] “1200 Studies- Truth Will Prevail,” Wellnessdoc,

[32] Barbara Loe Fisher, “FDA Prepares to Fast Track New Vaccines Targeting Pregnant Women,” National Vaccine Information Center, November 17, 2015,

[33] “200 Evidence Based Reasons Not to Vaccinate,” Sourced from the US National Library of Medicine,,

[34] Data and Statistics, HRSA, 0/01/2019,

[35] “Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System,” 12/01/07 – 09/30/10,

[36] ICAN, VACCINE SAFETY: Introduction to Vaccine Safety Science & Policy in the United States, October 2, 2017,

[37] “New study: Vaccine Manufacturers and FDA Regulators Used Statistical Gimmicks to Hide Risks of HPV Vaccines,” Children’s Health Defense, August 11, 2017,

[38] H.R.5546 – National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986,

[39] “Stipulated Order Showing That NIH And HRSA Have Not Acted In Their Duties Regarding Vaccine Safety,” ICAN,

[40] William W. Thompson, PhD, August 27, 2014 Press Release, “Statement of William W. Thompson, PhD, Regarding the 2004 Article Examining the Possibility of a Relationship Between MMR Vaccine and Autism,”

[41] Kevin Barry, Esq., Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC, Skyhorse Publishing, 2015, pp. 65-66,

[42] VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe,

[43] “Scientific Review of Vaccine Safety Datalink Information,” Simpsonwood Retreat Center, Norcross, Georgia, June 7-8, 2000,

[44] Glen Nowak, PhD, “Increasing Awareness and Uptake of Influenza Immunization,” CDC,

[45] “Denmark rushes through emergency coronavirus law,” The Local, March 13, 2020,

[46] Daniel Wighton, David Chazan, “Germany will issue coronavirus antibody certificates to allow quarantined to re-enter society,” The Telegraph, March 29, 2020,

[47] Christina D. Bethell PhD, MBA, MPH, et. al., A National and State Profile of Leading Health Problems and Health Care Quality for US Children: Key Insurance Disparities and Across-State Variations, Academic Pediatrics, May-June 2011,

[48] “Studies comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated populations,” Vermont Coalition for Vaccine Choice, 1/7/2016,

[49] Christine Stabell Benn, “How vaccines train the immune system in ways no one expected”, TEDxAarhus, January 8, 2019,, min 9:35.

[50] “Vaccinare in sicurezza – Intervento di Anthony Mawson “Impact of multiple…” (versione inglese),” Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi, January 28, 2019,, min 8:35.

[51] John Bonifield, “California’s rich, white unvaccinated kindergartners, CNN, December 30, 2015,

[52] “Less than 30% of Congress Admits to Vaccinating Their OWN KIDS!!!” VaxTruth, February 7, 2015,

[53] Nevison, C., Parker, W. California Autism Prevalence by County and Race/Ethnicity: Declining Trends Among Wealthy Whites. J Autism Dev Disord (2020).

[54] Lisa Marshall, “Autism rates declining among wealthy whites, escalating among poor,” CU Boulder Today, March 19, 2020,

[55] Chris Burt, “ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines,”, September 19, 2019,

[56] Karen Weintraub, “Invisible Ink Could Reveal whether Kids Have Been Vaccinated,” Scientific American, December 18, 2019,

Brett Wilcox is a Licensed Professional Counselor and author of three books:

  1. JABBED: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment and Government Stick It to You and Your Family.
  2. WE’RE MONSANTO: Feeding the World Lie After Lie.
  3. WE’RE MONSANTO: Still Feeding the World, Life After Lie.


Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.[1]

Psychological operations or PSYOPS are defined as operations designed to influence emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. PSYOPS are a routine function of governments, but only because they are a routine function of being human.

Other names for PSYOPS include marketing, advertising, PR, manipulation, fabrication, lying, or simple story telling. PSYOPS are foundational elements of war and other military operations, mythology, religion, tribe, clan, team, organization, corporation, industry, education, media, news, race, politics, identity, and family. Even on an individual basis, the various voices in our heads conduct PSYOPS against the other voices for a variety of conscious and/or subconscious reasons.

The purpose of this blog is to attempt to distinguish between COVID-19 (assuming there is such a thing) and COVID-19 PSYOPS. The purpose of this blog is not to declare or establish TRUTH, other than the truth that COVID-19 PSYOPS are a reality and we have a greater chance of approaching truth when we question everything we hear regarding this matter.

First. Is COVID-19 real? [2] If so, is it a single thing or does it have two or three or several strains? Is it natural or wild or is it a laboratory creation? Is it new or is it ancient? Was it released by nature or by man? Where did it originate? How accurate are the various tests used to identify it? How contagious is it? How lethal is it? How many co-factors influence its ability to spread and kill? In short, I don’t know the answers to any of those questions and I question anyone who professes to know the answers.

This I do know. Significant documentation exists demonstrating that the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are, by and large, cover organizations for Pharma and very likely for shadow governments and other organizations. [3]

 As such, they have been designated as the Prophets and High Priests of the Public Health narrative. Their pronouncements, no matter how absurd, have the weight of scripture. “Vaccines are safe and effective” is perhaps the leading example of absurdity.

Each vaccine has a unique safety and efficacy profile. Some are more dangerous than others. Several vaccines have been removed from the market because they injured and killed enough children to threaten the ever-expanding liability-free vaccine schedule and industry. But no vaccine is or can be safe because poisons are by definition poisonous and vaccine ingredients include several known poisons, toxins, neurotoxins, and contaminants.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (the Act) was not passed because vaccines are safe but because vaccines were injuring and killing so many children that the vaccine industry would have gone bankrupt without government-granted protection from liability. [4]

The National Vaccine Injury and Compensation Program (VICP) was not established because vaccines are safe but because vaccines injure and sometimes kill. [5] As of 2018, The VICP had paid out more than $4 billion dollars to compensate for vaccine injury and death. [6]

Clearly, the statement “Vaccines are safe and effective” is a lie. It’s also an essential part of the vaccine industry PSYOP designed to “influence . . . emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.”

“Vaccine don’t cause autism” is another CDC-sponsored lie boldly proclaimed by the CDC and repeated ad nauseam around the world. [7]

When asked to provide the studies proving that the vaccines administered in the first six months of life don’t cause autism, the CDC provided a mere 20 studies, none of which proved that the vaccines administered in the first six months of life don’t cause autism. [8] [9] [10]

And it is well established that the CDC hid the link between the MMR vaccine and autism as well as thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism and that the studies that suggest no relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism and Thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism are a product of fraud. [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]

Vaccination is germane to the COVID-19 issue because everyone from the president of the United States to the general public is practically screaming for a new vaccine which will magically protect everyone from COVID-19. It is interesting to note that the reason there isn’t a vaccine for coronavirus on the market isn’t because researchers haven’t tried. It’s because their attempts have resulted in “vaccine enhancement, where instead of protecting against infection, the vaccine can actually make the disease worse when a vaccinated person is infected with the virus.” [16] So much for “safe and effective.”

The track record of the WHO and the CDC provide a cautionary tale to wise people: don’t accept their pronouncements at face value. Approach their statements with a critical eye. The fact that they have been so egregiously wrong in the past provides strong evidence that they will continue to be wrong with COVID-19. Why do they get it wrong so often? Are they simply inept or is it by design or is it a combination of the two factors? What do they get out of their narrative? Power? Prestige? Politics? Profit? How much profit?

The main COVID-19 PSYOP builds upon the traditional vaccine industry PSYOP in a frightening and ingenious way. Up until now, the architects of the vaccine paradigm and narrative have successfully convinced the majority of otherwise intelligent people that vaccines are a magical and miraculous elixir that protect against evil viruses and bacteria and that those who abstain from the sacrament of vaccination magically turn into disease bombs ready to explode on unsuspecting and innocent victims.

Believers have been taught to fear and hate the healthiest individuals in society, those who have escaped the scourge of vaccination. [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]

 Grandparents are depicted as disease-spreading wolves and the families of the vaccine-injured and dead are mocked, shunned, and ostracized for telling their stories. Hate speech is the accepted and expected currency against the ever-growing vaccine-informed community. Sick people should stay home while they’re sick and vaccine-free people should stay home forever, be fired, jailed, shot, or hung and their kids should be kicked out of school or removed from their custody and vaccinated ASAP.

With the advent of the predominant COVID-19 PSYOP, EVERYONE has become a disease bomb. EVERYONE is unclean. That change CHANGES EVERYTHING. From this time forward, NOTHING WILL BE THE SAME.

The ramifications of this change are infinite.

There will be winners (pharma) and losers in commerce but overall the economy will tank.

The main COVID-19 PSYOP is the breeding ground for fear, isolation, loneliness, suspicion, paranoia, anxiety, and depression. Poverty will increase as will dysfunctional behaviors including addiction, overspending, overeating, abuse, violence, crime, self-injury and suicide.

No longer will OCD germaphobes be diagnosed with a mental illness, rather they will be sought out and employed at every level of government and business. Their illness will inform and infect policies, procedures, and protocol.

With the increase in mental illness, an increase in physical illness will surely follow. Immune systems will be depleted and destroyed, rendering an already scared and vulnerable population ever more vulnerable to the threat of disease as well as to the treatments for disease and disease prevention including toxic liability-free vaccinations.

As one of the leading proponents of vaccination, the man who infamously stated that babies can safely receive 100,000 vaccines at once, one would expect Dr. Paul Offit to go along with and promote the CDC-sponsored COVID-19 story of impending apocalypse. [24]

On March 15, 2020, Offit posted a statement on his Facebook page regarding this matter. [25]

His message is calm, rational, and reasonable, everything the dominant COVID-19 PSYOP is not. If Paul Offit can tell what appears to be the truth at a time when telling the truth is heresy, then perhaps his words should be listened to on this occasion.

Following are screenshots and the text of Dr. Offit’s statement:

Which will do more harm, the virus or the fear of the virus?

Why are we so scared of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19? People are usually scared of viruses for three reasons:

One: the virus causes gruesome, disfiguring, permanent symptoms. Smallpox, for example, not only caused life-long facial scarring, it also was a frequent cause of blindness in those who survived.

Two: the virus has a predilection for children. Polio paralyzed tens of thousands of young children every year until a vaccine finally eliminated the disease from the United States.

Three: the virus is likely to kill you. Rabies kills virtually 100 percent of people who develop symptoms after a bite from a rabid animal.

The novel coronavirus currently circulating in the United States—the one that has caused us to shut down schools, restaurants, sporting events, and virtually every aspect of our culture—falls into none of these categories. Nonetheless, people are scared. Really scared. The reason is they think that if they catch COVID-19, they have a high likelihood of dying from the disease. Most public health officials have done little to lessen this fear, arguing that people are ten times more likely to die from this novel coronavirus than from influenza. Unfortunately, these officials haven’t made clear the difference between relative risk and absolute risk. Although people are more likely to die from COVID-19 than from influenza, they are far more likely to catch influenza. Therefore, they are far more likely to die from influenza.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of March 7, 2020, 36 million to 51 million people have suffered from influenza, 370,000 to 670,000 have been hospitalized, and 22,000 to 55,000 have died from the disease. To put these numbers in perspective, let’s look at countries that have dealt with COVID-19.

China, where COVID-19 originated, has reported roughly 3,000 deaths. The population of China is about 1.4 billion, three times greater than ours. If we suffer an equivalent proportion of deaths, then 1,000 Americans will die from COVID-19, one-twentieth to one-fiftieth of the number who have died from influenza.

Italy has reported roughly 2,000 deaths from COVID-19 and, as a result, has shut down the country; only grocery stores and pharmacies remain open. Italy has a population of 60 million, about one-fifth of the U.S. population. If we suffer an equivalent proportion of deaths, then 10,000 Americans will die of COVID-19, about one-half to one-fifth of the number of deaths from influenza.

Not everyone, however, is at equal risk of dying. The virus primarily kills the elderly and those suffering from chronic diseases, which explains the situation in Italy, where 25 percent of its population is more than 65 years of age; in the U.S. it’s 16 percent. Wouldn’t it make more sense, then, to ask people who are elderly and infirm to stay away from crowds, thus lessening their chances of contracting the disease. Also, to ask people who are sick with respiratory symptoms to stay home. Focus on common sense things like washing hands several times a day and standing clear of people who are coughing or sneezing. The federal government can also help by making it easier for businesses to allow people who are ill to stay home.

In 2009-2010, the world suffered an influenza pandemic caused by swine flu; about 203,000 people were killed by the virus; 12,000 in the United States. The novel coronavirus has killed about 6,000 people to date; 62 in the United States. It doesn’t make sense to shut down our entire way of life to try and stop a virus that is unlikely to harm healthy people and will be far less devastating than the influenza epidemics that we experience every winter and the influenza pandemic we experienced ten years ago. Let’s take common sense measures to stop the spread. The precautionary principle dictates caution to prevent harm. But the precautionary principle also dictates that you don’t cause harm in the name of preventing harm. It will take years to recover from the draconian measures that we are currently instituting. [25]

Offit is right. IF WE RECOVER, it will take years to do so. And for what? A virus that will likely go down in history as a minor blip on the radar. Surely, the people pumping out the notion that COVID-19 will kill millions of Americans have got to know that the data doesn’t support their predictions. If that’s the case, why the hysteria? What’s to be gained by scaring people half to death?

A brief look at the business model of the vaccine company known as the CDC (The CDC owns and profits from more than 50 vaccine patents.) reveals the most likely answer: Fear sells vaccines. [26] The more fear, the better. If the CDC and Pharma can amp up fear, anxiety, and hysteria, then members of “the herd” will willingly give up their liberty and freedom in exchange for womb-to-tomb liability-free vaccinations. The most indoctrinated with not only give up their freedoms, they will demand that everyone be forced to do the same, which is exactly what vaccine architects have planned and mapped out for a very long time.

And for those who fail to catch the infectious disease of PSYOP-induced fear, coercion will finish the job. Citizens will be given a choice: Submit to all mandatory womb-to-tomb liability-free jabs or give up your driver’s license, passport, right to travel, job, insurance, Social Security, or ability to engage in commerce. [27]

COVID-19 is not a problem to those who profit from liability-free vaccinations, it’s the solution they’ve been longing for. It’s their global wet dream. Their PSYOP will result in increased surveillance, increased control, the institution of an ever-increasing number of mandatory liability-free womb-to-tomb toxic vaccinations, which will, of course, multiply the current vaccine-induced injury and death pandemic/holocaust. [28] [29] [30] [31]

This scenario is a win/win for pharma and other sociopaths and a lose/lose for humanity.

Clearly, government won’t stop this scenario from playing out, neither will the medical establishment, industry, or Pharma-owned media.

But We the People will stop it. The question is not if, but when. How many of our children and grandchildren will be injured or killed before enough of us wake up and we take back our power? How many of our children and grandchildren will be injured or killed before we prosecute and imprison the criminals who profit from an industry that’s built upon a foundation of fraud, greed, exploitation, coercion, and millions of injured or dead children?

The power is in our hands, hearts, and souls. We are in charge of our bodies, our health, and our wellbeing—not the government, not the medical establishment, and not the pharmaceutical industry.

During this time of PSYOP-induced darkness, keep your eyes, ears, mind, heart and spirit open. Think. Ask questions. Double up on love and compassion for yourself and especially for those who have succumbed to fear. Be the source of light that you were born and destined to be and join with other sources of light. May our collective light drive out the darkness today, tomorrow, and forever.

Love and light to all,

Brett Wilcox

Brett Wilcox is a Licensed Professional Counselor and author of three books:

  1. JABBED: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment and Government Stick It to You and Your Family.
  2. WE’RE MONSANTO: Feeding the World Lie After Lie.
  3. WE’RE MONSANTO: Still Feeding the World, Life After Lie.



[2] David Crowe, Op-Ed: Does the 2019 Coronavirus Exist?, Green Med Info, March 14, 2020,

[3] CDC and WHO Corrupt Financial Entanglements with the Vaccine Industry, Children’s Health Defense,

[4] H.R.5546 – National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986,

[5] National Vaccine Injury and Compensation Program,

[6] $4 Billion and Growing: U.S. Payouts for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Keep Climbing, Children’s Health Defense, November 19, 2018,

[7] Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism, CDC,

[8] ICAN, March 5, 2020,

[9] ICAN VS CDC, ICAN, March 5, 2020,


[11] William W. Thompson, PhD, August 27, 2014 Press Release, “Statement of William W. Thompson, PhD, Regarding the 2004 Article Examining the Possibility of a Relationship Between MMR Vaccine and Autism,” http://

[12] Kevin Barry, Esq., Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC, Skyhorse Publishing, 2015, pp. 65-66,

[13] VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe,

[14] “Scientific Review of Vaccine Safety Datalink Information,” Simpsonwood Retreat Center, Norcross, Georgia, June 7-8, 2000,

[15] James Ottar Grundvig, Master Manipulator: The Explosive True Story of Fraud, Embezzlement, and Government Betrayal at the CDC, Skyhorse Publishing, 2016,

[16] Julie Steenhuysen, “As pressure for coronavirus vaccine mounts, scientists debate risks of accelerated testing,” Reuters, March 11, 2020,

[17] “Studies comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated populations,” Vermont Coalition for Vaccine Choice, 1/7/2016,

[18] Peter Aaby et al., “WHO’s rollout of malaria vaccine in Africa: can safety questions be answered after only 24 months?” BMJ, January 24, 2020,

[19] Søren Wengel Mogensen, “The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment”, EBioMedicine, March 1, 2017,

[20] Dan Olmsted, UPI Senior Editor, “The Age of Autism: Study sees vaccine risk,” United Press International, Inc., June 26, 2007,

[21] “Why we don’t vaccinate,”, original article here:

[22] Mawson, Anthony & Ray, Brian & Bhuiyan, Azad & Jacob, Binu. (2017). Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6-to 12-year-old U.S. children. Journal of Translational Science. 3. 1-12. 10.15761/JTS.1000186,

[23] Anthony R. Mawson et al., “Preterm birth, vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders: a cross-sectional study of 6- to 12-year-old vaccinated and unvaccinated children,” Open Access Text, April 24, 2017,

 [24] Claudia Kalb, “Dr. Paul Offit: Debunking the Vaccine-Autism Link,” Newsweek, October 24, 2008,


[26] Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., “Americans Can Handle an Open Discussion on Vaccines—RFK, Jr. Responds to Criticism from His Family,” Children’s Health Defense, August 15, 2019,

[27] Voices for Vaccines, September 2014,

[28] “The Big Picture: Injured Kids, Society Costs,” Children’s Health Defense,

[29] “1200 Studies- Truth Will Prevail,” Wellnessdoc,

[30] Loss of Brain Trust, More than 6,000 news stories from January 2017 documenting the growing crisis in children’s health,

[31] “The True Cost of Autism with Dr. Toby Rogers,” The Highwire, Age of Autism, March, 2020

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